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Old 08-29-2009, 12:14 AM   #14
FRPLG's Avatar
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Re: Server too busy..... Or not loading at all....

Originally Posted by Mattyk72 View Post
Hey I appreciate it guys, and I appreciate the support from everyone who contributes to the site.

Just to be up front, our server costs right now run around $2k a year. I'm tossing in $200 this week for the RAM upgrade which should make a big difference in helping to avoid the dreaded "server busy" message. With the way the economy has been, advertising revenue is really down this year and the site barely pays for itself. It's frustrating because I would like to be doing more giveaways but the money just isn't there.

Rest assured the server issues bug the F outta me, and when need be I will toss in my own dough to cover things. Fact is the site continues to grow and every few years we simply outgrow our digs. Time to move it on up!

Again, thanks for the support everyone.
Dude, you're the man. Don't sweat some people getting grumpy. I understand their frustrations but I also know how much has been put into fixing these types of issues. As someone else said, shit happens. We know you're on top of it.
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