Originally Posted by SmootSmack
I would think Dorsey is a lot more like Sproles than Mason is
yeah thats what i thought too. just havent watched enough for me to make a somewhat informed opinion.
gtripp - as much as i hate saying this i would cut rock to make the roster space. i've been a huge rock fan ever since he personally apologized to the whole locker room after fumbling the ball on the goaline against the cowboys years ago. showed real heart and accountability but i think his time with the skins may be over even if he is a skin at heart.
on special teams rock returns kick offs by running full steam ahead which i assume dorsey can do just as well since thats, to my understanding, why we broght him here from the cfl.
but can dorsey make tackles on special teams coverage?
is rock the vocal leader and on-field coach of the special teams coverage?
if dorsey does ST coverage, will the man's body hold up to the beating and still stay explosive?