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Old 05-15-2009, 09:57 AM   #115
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Re: Jason Taylor to re-sign with the Dolphins

Originally Posted by SBXVII View Post

I figure you were not refering to me in the first part since I was actually defending the FO for actually attempting to fill a spot with talent that was left vacant by injuries. I presume the high lighted part did and probably not soley to me, but you can't deny it and I could use a different term if that one is irritating to you. See the Tuna did not see the need to pay someone 8.5 mill when he didn't produce the yr before and refused to partake in camp. So he trades them away. Then when JT saw the grass was not greener in DC he decides he wants out for warmer climate. Which baffles me that he would be looking into N.E. Why would JT make a comment that he wanted to go back to FL to warmer climate (which I thought maybe he means he will try to get on with Tampa or Jacksonville) then entertain offers from N.E.?

In the end the Tuna got rid of the high cost, got 1 or 2 picks out of the deal, and in the end got the same player for less money and he fits their scheme. To me that's being schooled. A lesson the front office could learn from.
Actually, a lot of people have been saying that we got schooled by Parcells, and well I feel that Jason Taylor got schooled by Parcells as well. He complained about the treatment he got from Parcells, got shipped to Washington where he had an injury-ridden season and was not happy. And now he returns with his tail between his legs for less money. So in the end, Parcells showed him up.
R.I.P. #21
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