Thread: Help!
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Old 04-26-2009, 11:21 PM   #15
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Re: Help!

Originally Posted by Mattyk72 View Post
Just curious... who do you use? What kind of plan do you have?
This is what we had before the recent upgrade:

Since then we've moved up to this:

We've actually upgraded servers through them 3 times just to stay ahead of the traffic, never a hitch, unless one of us caused it

Great people if you don't need a managed host and can handle everything yourself. They actually noticed the flood of people coming into the site after posting our new server for the forum members to view and approached us with the deal. I was slightly skeptical of them at first due to the pricing but the team has had great success with them, never an issue in the least. One of the guys even signed up to our forum to answer any questions that people might have and has contributed to our Computers/Tech section as well, checks in with us every now and again to make sure everything is going well.

Default hdd space is 160gb and xfer at 2T down a 6Mb pipe if I recall correctly on the xeon

what plan are you on with your host if you don't mind me asking? PM is fine

Last edited by tryfuhl; 04-26-2009 at 11:29 PM.
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