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Old 02-02-2009, 02:33 PM   #61
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Re: Steelers vs. Cardinals: Best Super Bowl Ever

Originally Posted by Defensewins View Post
In terms of excitement, yes it was close game.
But all time greatest? No.
The level of play was not all time greatest caliber.
The rule changes over the years has turned NFL football into a flag football throwing league and last nights game was the evidence of that.
73 pass attempts for 633 yards to only 38 running plays for only 72 yards. The Cardinals only ran the ball 12 times for 12 yards. Pathetic.
Roethlisbuger was not very impressive.

After watching the NFL network last week and seeing the past Sb's and seeing the Pittsburg vs Dallas SB in 1979, it reminds me of what two really talented teams looks like. I saw Staubach take a vicious but yet clean hit that I expected him to miss a play or two. But he bounced back up like it did not hurt him at all. In today's NFL Roethlisberger last night got pushed (two hand push) and they called a 15 penalty. Sad.

The NFL and most if its fans wants a game like last night.
It's beyond sad. I don't even understand why the refs call stuff like that. Especially in a game of this magnitude. But it seems every single week I see horrible calls that are just so bad that I've gotten use to it.
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