Thread: Portis
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Old 12-15-2008, 03:00 PM   #67
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Re: Portis

Originally Posted by firstdown View Post
Is it that Jacob's missing that is hurting their game or the fact that teams don't have to have two players covering Plax. The NFL network did a piece on this and they showed how teams have changed their D scheme against the Giants without plax.
I think it's fair to say Plax is hurting the Giants but Jacobs seems to make it or break it for them. Portis is not only our running back but a team leader as well. I think Zorn didn't know how to recover when he lost the luxury of a solid Portis game.(s) He and his team where leaning to heavily on Portis. I think it's fair to give Zorn a offseason to regroup. Institute his offence. Keep all our same personnel but pick up some linemen on both sides. And keep Portis!
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