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Old 09-05-2008, 03:14 PM   #187
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

Originally Posted by irish View Post
How can this team have an aggressive innovative attack offense with a QB that's not capable of doing that? Heck, even at the end of the game JC couldnt move fast and attack. Zorn's hands are tied by the QB when it comes to playcalling.
JC can move fast, he just doesn't look like he's moving fast. He runs the no huddle pretty well, but for some reason they never went into the no huddle last night.

The guy is athletic enough to make plays on the run, he's just not comfortable in this O yet. For that matter, a no. of other players aren't either. The one guy that had a good game was CP, and the running plays are mainly the same. ARE had a decent game, but was offsides twice.

Zorn himself doesn't look like he's comfortable in his role.
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