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Old 09-05-2008, 02:51 PM   #183
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

Originally Posted by Hog1 View Post
Listening to the Doc show earlier, he brings a good point. He basically states (and we all saw it) for JC to be in the QB business this long and be "locking" onto one reciever is ..........a problem. And he needs to "take a step", to inspire the confidence that he is The Man.
I would like to see a little of Colt in him. As raw as he is, he is GOING to make something happen-FIRE. That "playmaker" look.
JC doesn't appear to have any improvisation. No escape and evade! No improvise, adapt, and overcome.
I DO NOT advocate a QB change, but I want to see urgency!!! Montana Magic in JC
I heard that and agree. When Zorn was a QB he had lots of improvise, escape & evade and I am 100% convinced that he has seen enough of JC to know he will never have that. Its as if after being a pro for 4 years JC has not even progressed on the simple things like not locking on. I think JC is at the max end of his skills. He isnt going to get much better. Like you I am not advocating a QB change now (maybe next season, we'll see) but I think Zorn is working hard to find a way to minimize the negative effects JC will have on the O.
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