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Old 09-05-2008, 12:08 AM   #72
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Re: JC is not what I thought.

Originally Posted by wilsowilso View Post
MY BAD! gTRIPP KNOWS how important QB play is right? You are actually trying to break down this game like that? This isn't preseason. The QB played very very very bad.

Nobody here is implying that Jason Campbell played great or even average tonight. We all see that he has A LOT to learn with this new offense. We all know he played a bad game. But man, this IS the first game of the season. If the guy continues to struggle and doesn't look like he's making progress, then crap on the guy then if you must. But, give him at least a few games to redeem himself. It isn't like he's been playing in the same offense for the last four years.
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