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Old 07-24-2008, 03:45 PM   #30
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Re: Devin Thomas Injured

Originally Posted by mlmpetert View Post
Im not blaming Bubba, and I resepct the fact that he's been with our team for so long. Im just asking is he to blame. If injuries wernt happening no one would be asking about injury prevention; being its obviously taken care of. Hamsting and muscle pulls seem to be a reoccuring theme with our team, more so then others.
Yeah no doubt- I don't need someone to blame, but there's no question we have more friggin hamstring pulls than any other team. Unless it's a total fluke year after year (which I strongly doubt) or there's something in the water, this has to be, at least in part, a training issue. STRETCH and MASSAGE your damn hamstrings guys!
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