Re: Who Will Replace Tim Russert?
I wanted to start this discussion but wasn't sure when it would be appropriate to do so. I like Chuck Todd. He seems non partisan and his knowledge and enthusiasm would make him work as hard as Russert did to maintain the integrity of the show. If you watch MSNBC, he has gottten a lot of air time over the last 6 months. Definitely a rising star. However, I suspect NBC will take a more cautious approach and give the show to a placeholder like Brokaw or Andrea MItchell or rotate hosts as someone else suggested until a permanent host is found. Gwen Ifill is also a strong possibility, I suspect. I hear Chris Matthews is angling for the gig but the over the top approach that has made Hardball the flagship of the cable network is not considered appropriate for Meet The Press, which is a television news standard and requires a certain dignity. Maybe if Matthews got a guest shot or two and behaved himself he might have a chance.