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Old 04-27-2008, 10:41 PM   #74
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Re: Overall Draft Grade for the Redskins

Overall, I give it a B-, I'll break my thoughts down by pick and wrap up with an overall:

Devin Thomas: 2nd Round Steal very good pick

Fred Davis: in all honesty though I've started to warm up to him a little bit, my understanding is he was a guy a lot of people thought would go in the first round, and from what I've heard Zorn seems to think that Davis and Cooley can exist in the same formation.

Malcom Kelly: I hear he's another steal, everyone says that the skins may have gotten the two best Receivers in the draft in him and Thomas, and lets be honest, outside of Moss and ARE we aren't exactly deep at the Wideout position right now.

Chad Rinehart: Finally a Lineman, and from what I hear a versatile one that can move between the Tackle and Guard positions fairly easily.

Justin "J.T." Tryon: Hope he's got speed, because he's very short 5'9", but we need CB's and someone thought he was the best one there at the time so who knows.

Durant Brooks: Finally someone who might be able to actually punt.

Kareem Moore: Another smaller dude at 5'11" but we need DB's and he was there.

Colt Brennan: Another possible steal, if nothing else, hopefully that solves the problem of a third stringer...

Rob Jackson: Possibly another Chris Wilson type DE?

Chris Horton: Just adding depth at DB

Overall I would like to have seen more Linemen on both sides of the ball, still not entirely sold on the Davis pick, but maybe that's the big reason I'm on here running my mouth while Cerrato is up there putting together a team. In any event, Zorn says he can make it work, so who knows. Hopefully we can find something after the June 1st cut down, but I have always been a little leery of taking one man's trash and trying to make it our treasure.
I got nothin'
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