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Old 04-27-2008, 10:03 PM   #65
That Guy
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Re: Overall Draft Grade for the Redskins

Originally Posted by SouperMeister View Post
Had we selected DE Calais Campbell instead of TE Fred Davis in the 2nd round, then this would be a solid A in my book. I haven't seen anyone else who had Fred Davis rated as a first round talent, yet we graded him that high. If Calais drops 10-15 lbs and develops into the dominant DE that he projected two years ago, we'll regret following our draft board to the T when it came to selecting Davis.
i too, would have liked campbell (btw, if he wasn't drafted, he'd be heading to iraq right now (army)), but he won't lose 10 lbs and turn into a sack machine. he's the slow run stopping type (like wynn or daniels). run stoppers just don't get labelled dominant. merling is the same type, just a bit better/faster.

oh yeah, it's pretty funny GB had another top 15 QB drop into their laps... why do they have it so easy up there... favre, hasslebeck, brunell (when he didn't suck), bart starr, i mean... damn. I think brohm probably sends rodgers back to the bench this year or next...
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