Re: (updated title): Make Your Day One Redskins Draft Selections (Rounds 1-2)
What do you guys think about the possiblity of the Skins trading up into the early second round to possibly grab a Devin Thomas, Limas Sweed, or Malcolm Kelly? Especially considering that Limas Sweed has a good chance of falling into the early 2nd round.
Or do we reach on a Joe Jurivicious/Kevin Walter type in Jordy Nelson or hope a guy like Jerome Simpson falls to us in the third? Remember the team is probably targeting Tony Hills and Mike McGlynn with that comp selection so lineman lovers fear not. The team will find a quality lineman in the third round
"It's nice to be important, but its more important to be nice."
- Scooter
"I feel like Dirtbag has been slowly and methodically trolling the board for a month or so now."