Originally Posted by Red Robert
As I am sure some of you know, ExtremeSkins.com is about to charge you $25.00 a year to be a member.
April Fools joke..NO?
Prepare to be invaded gentlemen and ladies. Very bad idea don't you think?
No no no no no no no no no no no. OMG. This is going to be bad. Please, I don't care if I get Pwned, just please say you got me and be done with it. Either way looks like it's time to bring this back.

Prepare for duplicate and pointless threads galore. Also prepare for Anthony Mix's Hall of Fame speech. I mean I can handle 5 or 6 new guys finding there way around the forum, but 20 or 30 is way to much. I can just picture a bunch of Noob's going
"All your threads are belong to us"