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Old 03-13-2008, 11:37 PM   #179
Naega jeil jal naga
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Re: (updated title): Make Your Day One Redskins Draft Selections (Rounds 1-2)

Originally Posted by SkinsFanSince91 View Post
where do u guys watch film of the players other than youtube and gooogle video?
Unfortunatly I define film as a whole game that shows the good and bad plays. As fans we really only have access to highlights and scouting reports I personally watch NFL Network since they give viewers the good and bad about a prospect instead of just filling your head with highlights. Of course the downside to that is they might analyze 20 or 30 players for an average of 3 minutes if that. Where as, us fans want to see analysis of guys that could go in the 3rd, 5th, and 6th.

Originally Posted by Sheriff Gonna Getcha View Post
I've never seen DRC play, but I keep hearing a lot about his cover skills and combine results. But, I have wonder if his frame will hold up in the NFL. The man looks like a stiff breeze would break him in half.
Lol, that stiff breeze line is cold, but kind of true. I had posted some YouTube Senior Bowl highlights of the guy but they have since been taken down. Ironically though a recent analysis (by my BOY Mike Mayock) showed Rogers getting burned just as much as he was making plays, still not a bad player, but he might not be the great CB that people are making him out to be.

Anyway looks like he could be a top-15 pick these days.
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