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Old 02-19-2008, 10:05 PM   #92
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Re: (updated title): Make Your Day One Redskins Draft Selections (Rounds 1-2)

Originally Posted by That Guy View Post
if you want we can put money on it. the number of WRs that have 1500+ yards as rookies is almost non existent. I'll take that bet any day, and i'll bet AB's yards/game for his career remains better than nelson's too.
While I wont put money on it, because AB didn't even do it, I will say that "straight-line" speed doesn't matter as much in the NFL as acceleration and burst do. In college the hash marks are out wider making it easier for faster players to run across field and break due to their speed(see Reggie Bush).

I never said anything about putting up 1500 yards. I said the JNelson will have comparable success in the NFL, to that of Anquan Boldin. As for career numbers, I wouldn't bet on anyone who hasn't made it to the league yet (he could easliy get hurt and have his career fold, and as I result I would lose. Nice try though).

Jordy Nelson is probably one of the safest picks at the WR, easy.
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