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Old 02-16-2008, 08:15 PM   #47
Uncle Phil
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Re: Time To Be A GM: Your 1st Round Pick Is...

Originally Posted by backrow View Post
SS, just a reminder, that the NFL Draft Day 1 includes the 3rd round, but hey, I'm ok with only 1&2 up first. I'm just not up on who else to pick in rd. #2. ThatGuy had a nice strategy, but I think we can only focus on one preferred name in each round.

I refer to mocks round #2 with Devin Thomas name mentioned pretty often.

I'm no expert, so I only look as far as my nose. With the most Mock drafts anywhere on the web, 184, is tops!
It's just 2 rounds on day one this year. Remember the draft usually started at 12p on Saturday. Starting this year it will start at 3p

NFL cuts time between draft picks in first and second rounds

Devin Thomas would be a great round #2 pick, but ever since I mentioned him earlier this week several others have as well, so I'll leave it to others to drive that bandwagon
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