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Old 02-07-2008, 09:10 AM   #1
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Age: 52
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new thread probation

Seems like the quality of new threads around here lately has been subpar at best. Too many duplicates, and too many worthless threads to put it bluntly.

In response to this please be aware that posting new threads is a privilege, one that will be taken away if you can't follow two simple guidelines.

#1, before you post you really need to review the first page of threads on whatever forum you are posting on. (Sometimes when there is breaking news duplicates happen and that's understandable and I wouldn't penalize someone for that. Also, I'm not talking about similar topics that may have taken place weeks or months ago. A duplicate is an obvious repeated thread, usually some sort of news and it's right there in plain sight on the first page of threads.)

#2 don't waste our time with whatever mindless thought is running through your head at the moment. Think before you post, try to imagine what type of discussion your thread will generate. Is it going to be meaningful discussion, or mindless banter? If it's the latter please don't bother.

Again, posting new threads is a privilege, one that will be taken away if you can't follow the two simple guidelines outlined above. This "new thread probation" as I call it has actually been in place for a while, I just thought it was time to make everyone aware of the possible consequences of repeatedly posting duplicate or worthless threads.

If your new thread privileges get taken away, it's for good. Sorry, no second chances.

Any questions let me know.
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