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Old 01-28-2008, 02:42 PM   #16
Camp Scrub
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Posts: 34
Re: Why the hate towards Fassel?

If you had to start with a totally "clean slate", probably not much difference between G Williams, J Fassel or Mooch (Although I would have Mooch as #3).

However, we were not starting with a clean slate. Gibbs brough a certain sense of pride and family to the team. He created the "core Redskins" montra and brought a sense of stability and purpose.

G Williams doesn't have the ideal HC resume (neither do any of the other candidates). But, he was brought here with an implied consideration for being the successor HC, has the support of the players, other coaches and fans. He is the "logical" choice.

Perhaps he made too many demands and let his ego get in the way, but I don't want to speculate too much.

Now, regardless of who becomes our next HC, we can expect alot of on-field changes as well as personnel changes. Back to rebuilding mode just as we were getting ready to reap the benefits of our last rebuild.
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