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Old 11-16-2007, 09:08 AM   #74
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Re: Warpath Myth vs. Reality

Originally Posted by GhettoDogAllStars View Post

Just so you know, you would have CERTAINLY been banned for AT LEAST 2 weeks if you questioned the mods' decisions on that Tampa Bay board, like you have with the Gibbs Vocab thread. It could have even been a 3 month ban -- they hand 'em out like candy. Just the simple fact that you can have the discussion with the mods about that thread, and why it was locked, speaks volumes about their leniency and fairness. And, they even re-opened it! What does that tell you?

I agree with you Ghetto. Although Ive knocked heads many many times with SS and Matt, they have always allowed different voices to be heard as long as there is at least some rational thought behind the voices. I must admit, when the thread was reopened, and I saw the first few responses, I thought that SS was going to be right. It looked like it would just turn into a Gibbs debate again, and in fact there were anti and pro Gibbs posts. I was just about to PM SS as well as post here and ask SS to re-lock, and admit I was wrong. Luckily, several others saw the spirit of the thread, and I think its back on track. Im actually looking forward to the Gibbs press conference win or lose to get some more quotes. Of course if they win, Im outta here for 2 weeks per my bet with SS.
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