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Old 08-24-2007, 01:55 PM   #47
Drift Reality
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Re: Does the Post's Jason La Canfora Hate the Skins?

Originally Posted by Sheriff Gonna Getcha View Post
Let me start by saying that I think that the Washington Post's Jason La Canfora is a good reporter and he seems like a pretty good guy. I read his blog quite frequently as it is informative and interesting. His articles are well written and, apparently, well researched.

Let me also note that I do not tow the company line and I often criticize the team for various moves (e.g., I think we overpaid in a big way for Kendall). I am not your typical fan who immediately jumps down the throat of any journalist who critiques the front office. In fact, I often say that guys like Peter King do NOT have it out for the team, Art Monk, Dan Snyder, etc.

That all being said, I am starting to think that JLC has a serious personal gripe with the team, members of the front office, Danny, or some combination of the above. JLC rarely expressed divergent viewpoints or says "on the one hand....and on the other" in his blog. In short, he seems to piss on every move and everything that the team does.

Does anyone else agree?
JLC is a journalist but he also has the blog where he is allowed to provide his editorial input on things. He is a sharp guy who basically has a view of the team that none of us have, and I think he is simply telling things like they are.

I think we need to face facts that the Skins need a sharp GM to come in and run the show - sort of like what Grunfeld is doing for the Wizards.

I think we need to avoid looking at the team we all love, through rose-tinted glasses. I'm sure some Warpathers are going to jump on me for saying all this stuff, but lets face it - JLC is simply pointing out that the team's personnel is not always run competently. I certainly think there are good things about what they have done (make good use of high draft picks for one) but the constant trading of mid-round picks for aging or overrated talent is really symptomatic of this team.
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