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Old 05-29-2007, 03:33 PM   #24
I like big (_|_)s.
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Re: Report: Lohan Checks Into Malibu Rehab Center

Originally Posted by Schneed10 View Post
It's especially nice when your wife SEES the chicks showing interest, because then the wife gets all possessive and takes you home and marks her territory!

Definitely nothing wrong with flattery. Manners dictate that you thank the person for the compliment and leave it at that. If they push for anything beyond flattery then it's your responsibility to draw the line.

And then go home and nail the wife while thinking about the chick who was hitting on you! LOL!
HAHA. Definitely true. Reminds me of a funny story recently. So, Nicole's cousin saw our wedding pictures and says, "He's the yummiest of all the cousins." Trust me, it doesn't mean a lot coming from her, as she is quite a large beast. However, Nicole was like, "We have some work to do..."

Game...set...match. Malcolm.
Regret nothing. At one time it was exactly what you wanted.
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