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Old 03-25-2007, 05:44 AM   #96
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Re: Maybe Vinny Cerrato isn't the Anti-Christ

Originally Posted by GTripp0012 View Post
I don't think you are going to get too many arguments about Gibbs the GM being not so hot to this point, but surely you've realized that he's learning from past mistakes.

I firmly believe that anyone can improve their decision-making skills regarding personel. Gibbs will learn faster than most GMs because he is not afraid to admit his mistakes.

If he stays at it, he will become one of the league's top GMs, but I get the feeling that he's going to step down after 2008.
Does he really learn from past mistakes?

Brunell was a big one and he's still on the team, I believe Gibbs has a very hard time swallowing his pride regardless of what he might say. He's an accomplished coach, not GM, which is what he really want's to be, it is a tough pill to swallow especially if your costing your employer 10's of millions of dollars, and that is exactly what's going on right now, Gibbs is spending mega bucks with Snyder fitting the bill. I have seen him do the same thing over and over again since the day he's arrived, overpay for mediocre talent, the fact that we haven't run amuck this year is we are not only capped out, but scared of another big name blunder, we don't know which way to turn when it comes to personel, and I see us some how, some way, screwing up this draft even with only 1 pick, stupid is as stupid does!

Kind of funny in a year when we have 1 legitamate pick we back off of free agency. I think people have the notion that drafting a D-lineman is going to cure all our ill's? Ain't happening! We have far to many holes, and no picks to fill them.
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