Originally Posted by offiss
That's my point all Snyder does is what he has to to bring in the players Gibbs want's, and the fact that he over pay's a lot of these players shows his commitment to Gibbs and what he want's. He could easily say the guy want's to much money to come here but he doesn't, he shells out what he has to to see that Gibbs get's everything he believes he needs to win. I believe that to be the case, when it comes to money Snyder is no dummy, I am sure he knows he's shelling out more than he should in a lot of instances, but he believes in Gibbs and honors his commitment from the onset with him, unfortunatly Gibbs hasen't been able to utilize his financial support, and I believe part of that reason is Gibbs has been in a hurry to win since he's arrived and tried to shortcut the process of rebuilding with free agency, but that is just part of Gibbs flaws as a GM.
I don't think you are going to get too many arguments about Gibbs the GM being not so hot to this point, but surely you've realized that he's learning from past mistakes.
I firmly believe that anyone can improve their decision-making skills regarding personel. Gibbs will learn faster than most GMs because he is not afraid to admit his mistakes.
If he stays at it, he will become one of the league's top GMs, but I get the feeling that he's going to step down after 2008.