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Old 01-02-2007, 12:27 PM   #4
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Re: George Michael's Interview of Gibbs

Originally Posted by SouperMeister View Post
Did anyone happen to see George interview Coach Gibbs this week in his usual Monday evening slot? I heard that George asked some tough questions that clearly ruffled Gibbs's feathers. I missed it - Please comment on what was said if you happened to see the exchange.
I saw it. Gibbs basically said all the stuff in The Post article isn't true. He also talked about how much he wanted to keep Pierce and Clark. He talked about how the piece on Rock Cartwright isn't true. He says " I would trust Rock with my life." What a bunch of BS. If it wasn't true then why in the hell did he trade for Duckett? All Gibbs had to do was look at the film on Cratwright and realize there was no need for Duckett. If he wanted Pierce and Clark so bad then why the hell aren't they here? It's not like those two didn't deserve bigger contracts. Doesn't he realize that letting "core" guys go and then bringing in and over paying worthless FA's is going to screw up the locker room? He just can't admit that he f-cked up in letting some guys go. But then he says blame everything on me. We need a GM in the worst way.
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