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Old 07-12-2006, 12:33 PM   #85
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Re: The Zidane Incident

Originally Posted by TheMalcolmConnection
This is kind of like saying that people SHOULD appreciate wine and taste all the subtleties when it's really just how we're raised. We are raised in an unfortunately fast-paced society and I don't see anything wrong with enjoying high scoring action. That's another reason baseball isn't more popular than it is. I believe that the "majority" of sports have their charm and no one is better than the other "value"-wise, but it's something that has a simply subjective entertainment. It's wrong for anyone to say that people are idiots for not enjoying this sport or that sport.
I agree with you about that and you've pointed out the attitude that turns so many people off from soccer, despite it's boring pace.

I do know about soccer. I used to play soccer, as well as basketball and baseball.

Soccer is a boring spectator sport. It has nothing to do with the low scores, as baseball and hockey contain action without a ton of scoring. It's the nature of the game that is boring. The field is HUGE and most of the 90 minutes is spent kicking the ball way down the field only to have the other team return the kick once they can't advance the ball past mid-field. Maybe the field needs made smaller or the goal made larger. Also, ties aren't decided by playing the game in a sudden-death overtime, they have a little kicking contest. It would be like football having an extra-point contest, baseball playing a game of pepper instead of extra innings or basketball having a game of horse to decide the championship.

It's only the most popular sport in the world because it's all they have or can afford in most nations. If OUR football was able to be played in every nation, it would easily be more popular. Look at how crazy fans in Japan or even Mexico go for an exhibition game with our worst teams like the Arizona Cardinals, 49ers and Lions' players who won't even make the team. When I watch NFL-Europe games, the hooligans are out with face paint, jerseys and the stadium is packed in their little 6-team league that has survived a LOT longer than I would've ever predicted. They look like the Raiders fans for the equivalent of a practice squad game or "minor league" game. If the world could have the NFL or MLB, they'd love it. Look at baseball in Japan. The best players come to the United States.

I don't hate soccer. I, like most Americans, just can't stay awake through a whole match. I am beginning to hate the reactions from soccer fans when I can't share their enthusiasm. They always fall back on this talking point of "but you don't understand the nuances of the game". That's crap. I know every soccer rule and have given it many chances to watch it before. I got slightly interested in the 1994 World Cup because the USA team was the best we've ever fielded with Alexi Lalas, Tab Ramos, Tony Meola, etc. I still couldn't love watching it though...the interest was more out of my love for America rather than the love of the sport.

It's ok for people not to like soccer. Well, to some's not. We're expected to "embrace" the game because it will make us look better to the world community. That's a load of crap. Soccer has been pushed in front of us with popularity campaigns since the 1970s and it hasn't taken off. No one will go to the MLS one will suddenly start following Manchester United because they're told to do so. Until the final, which was hyped on ESPN and NASCAR races kicked the World Cup's butt in ratings in the USA. The outdoor AND indoor soccer teams that were in local cities for me have both folded because no one went to the games...and they were championship teams repeatedly!

It's ok if you like soccer. Just don't expect everyone else to. Soccer is a thing like Star Trek or chess tournaments. There's a few people who love it and find a ton of enjoyment in it and that's GREAT for them. Everyone should have a passion. However, when you try to push your passion on everyone else, all you'll accomplish is making people hate it rather than just not caring.

It is people like you that have ruined the game of soccer.
Uh huh...sure. How can someone outside of soccer ruin the game? More than anything it's a combination of the drunken hooligans who kill people over a soccer match...maybe it's the slow pace of the game...maybe it's the pompous attitudes from the soccer "experts"...maybe it's the fact that the equivalent of Dennis Rodman gets rewarded for losing the tournament with his bad temper. Oh wait...Dennis Rodman HELPED his team win. I'm flattered that you think I hold that much influence in the world.

I don't want to start anything personal with a fellow Redskins fan, especially over something like soccer not being popular in our nation. I'm not to blame for that, despite your accusations.

I hope we can go back to cheering for the Redskins with no grudges after this. That's why we're really here. However...I do think you overreacted.

The MVP scored 3 goals in a whole tournament and you stated that's a LOT of scoring...I don't think I have to explain why the sport hasn't taken off after that exchange.

I don't care of you like soccer. Good for you if it makes you happy. Just don't try to talk people into liking something that they just don't like with a tone that they MUST like soccer or they're somehow less of a person.
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