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Old 07-12-2006, 10:31 AM   #72
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Re: The Zidane Incident

Originally Posted by TheMalcolmConnection
I agree with all your points except for this one. This is kind of like saying that people SHOULD appreciate wine and taste all the subtleties when it's really just how we're raised. We are raised in an unfortunately fast-paced society and I don't see anything wrong with enjoying high scoring action. That's another reason baseball isn't more popular than it is. I believe that the "majority" of sports have their charm and no one is better than the other "value"-wise, but it's something that has a simply subjective entertainment. It's wrong for anyone to say that people are idiots for not enjoying this sport or that sport.
Ok I do get what you are saying, and maybe my anger made me come off wrong. I really do not care if people do not like a particular point, but I do not like it when people critcize sports without backing it and just straight bashing. I am more upset in the way people criticize soccer, and you are right our fast paced society adds to our need of high scoring action. At same time I feel that this need has not only created soccer "haters", but has also negatively impacted other games, such as baseball, football, basketball, etc. This just doesn't have to do with soccer, I think there are finer points in all these sports that are not appreciated. Maybe I should have said world's most popular rather than world's greatest game.
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