Originally Posted by dmek25
\on lebron walking on the last shot,if you ever watched nba basketball you know better
Um actually I DO watch NBA basketball, and I have been for the last 5 years, so I do actually know what I am talking about. He took more than 2.5 steps, and that is a walk buddy. The NBA is loose on that calls sometimes, and also carrying, people do it all the time now. My point is he STILL DEF walked. And if you still think I do not know what am I talking bout, then you should know, all the guys that did the pregame show on espn for late game that follwed that night(Stephen A, Greg Antony, Pippen, etc.) all mentioned that it was a walk when they went over the highlights to the Wiz game, and I was very happy when I heard that my views were not my own. I also checked out some Wizard and NBA forums, many people raised that similar concern that I did, and these guys are people who have followed the league for 15-20 years. So, in fact, I DO know better.