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Old 04-29-2006, 02:59 AM   #4
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Re: I am happy that Kwame Brown is doing good(NBA)

Originally Posted by itvnetop
I don't think it was our coaching that made kwame ditch us during the playoffs last year. I don't think it was our philosophy that made kwame slack off in practice to where he never lived up to potential. Kwame himself threatened to punch our best player in decades (Gilbert) during last year's run...

I think maybe it had something to do with immaturity and now he's growing up in LA.

Geez, how long has Les Boulez been terrible? We're miles ahead of where we used to be- Arenas is a top 10 player and he's still young. Caron is signed to a long extension and he hasn't hit his prime either. Wes Unseld was a terrible GM- Grunfeld and EJ are turning things around. Rome wasn't built in a day folks...
Rome wasn't, but man sure the hell was. Read the Bible, very informative. Some of those men just do not have the talent of those forementioned.
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