Thread: Brunell is Bad
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Old 02-28-2006, 12:12 PM   #94
That Guy
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Re: Brunell is Bad

Originally Posted by Sean Taylor is God
mattyk, here are a list of QB's that I believe with one year of learning the offense could step in a do the job brunell did this year. I would like to know which one's you disagree with and if there are any i'm missing.

Manning, Palmer, McNabb, Roethlisberger, Brady, Mcnair, Leftwich, Plummer, Green, Brees, Bledsoe, Lil Manning, Favre, Culpepper, Delhomme, Simms, Brooks, Bulger, Hasselbeck, Frye, Campbell, Brad Johnson.
i'd argue with plummer brooks and farve cause they historically can't do what's asked of them, and i don't think frye bledsoe or eli are as good, we haven't sseen campbell and johnson wouldn't work well with moss cause his arm is totally dead.

that said, we don't have any of the above QBs nor will we next year so that question is completely bogus. no one is saying brunell is a top 5 QB, just that he got the job done. we're not getting brady, so however good he may be, its pointless conjecture cause he's not an actual realistic or viable option for the skins for either the 2005 or 2006 season.

I have no idea what you're trying to prove here.
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