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Old 10-29-2023, 05:07 PM   #7
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Re: Coach Suck/Refs Cheat - Post-Game Thread

Originally Posted by skinsfan69 View Post
There was a bunch of shit that was against us today. But I think it all goes back to that 4th and less than a yard. If you pick that up and run more clock and score- even if it's 3 you have all the momentum and a nice lead. Instead EB does not even have a threat to run there and calls a drop back out of shitgun. That big bowling ball head stubborn fuck, he can go kick rocks. You give that ball to #8 and let him get a half a fucking yard.

We can't overcome these dipshits that are running this team. We ain't good enough. And I'm done w/ Chase. He has the motor of a VW bug. He just takes too many plays off. And that fucking guy that runs our defense, you are the dumbest person on the planet. How do you have job? Why would you put that stringbean on Brown? Again.. That to me is a firable offense. Just put two guys on Brown and live w/ the other guys beating you. But he IS NOT going to beat me.

Spot on re: Bieneimy and JDR. Simply horrible overall.
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