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Old 12-19-2022, 09:14 AM   #6
punch it in
From a Land Down Under
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Re: Offense Sucks/Turner Sucks/Refs Suck Post-Game Thread

Let’s not let Ron off the hook. His team came out flat AF after a bye against the same team we just played. Dude brings nothing to the table. Apparently doesn’t motivate anyone, isn’t a very good in game Coach, is a terrible GM.

Oline might be the worst pass pro line Ive ever seen. Scott Turner is complete garbage. He just is too stubborn to understand what his offense is capable of. Logan Thomas days of being a TE-1 are long gone. Taylor Heinicke cannot read the field, and he underthrows or overthrows almost every other ball. Never hits anyone in stride.
Basically outside of wr and rb our offense needs a complete overhaul.

Defense played well, but we really struggle getting to the quarterback. Bostic, there are no words.
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