Thread: Wizards
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Old 07-17-2019, 09:47 PM   #83
Hug Anne Spyder
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Re: Wizards

My god NBC Sports and Ted absolutely did Buck dirty on this one.

I literally can't believe the Caps Stanley Cup-winning owner could be this terrible at also running the Wizards. From the long overdue firing of Ernie, to butchering the GM process, the more I see the more I believe a conservative, give your GM 5 years to build through the draft guy like Ted isn't cut out for ownership in the tandem/tri-star landscape that is the NBA right now.

And the GM for NBC Sports Washington - Damon Phillips. How pathetic is it the way they announced his departure. 22 fucking years for this franchise, and after you shit on Phil Chenier you couldn't even put out a statement thanking Buck for the years he put in . Something simple like "We thank Buck for his years of service, but we are looking for a fresh voice in 2019" would've sufficed.

This article is absolutely pathetic. The least you could do is thank Buck for giving 22 years of his life to this franchise.

Big fuck you to NBCS-W and Monumental Sports for how they dumped Buck and Chenier. I think it's safe to assume they want a cheerleader in the booth, and they got their wish. And no disrespect to Kutcher/Gooden, I absolutely hope they succeed, but Buck/Chenier were every bit as respected as Beninati/Laughlin, John Walton, Frank Herzog, and all the other legendary sportscasters in this town. The booth might be fine, but even they won't be able to mask the mediocre product on the court next season. Just hope they get a decent return for Beal when they decide to embrace the full rebuild.
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