Thread: Winning
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Old 01-30-2019, 10:30 AM   #404
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Re: Winning

Originally Posted by punch it in View Post
1) make ur own post do not piggyback off of a crass, male chauvinist one if you do not want to be associated with it - message board 101.
2) debates are about winning- not hurling insults and lies just to incite your base.
3) Trump is by far thee rudest politician to ever hold office and no rude is not a good quality- it does not mean he has balls. It means he has no plan, no policies in place and so he acts out like any ignorant bully ever.
4) Trump won because Russia hacked the election- but I know everyone in his orbit is under indictment or in jail because of coincidence and Mueller has a secret vendetta against a reality tv star. [emoji849]
5) don’t leave now - things are starting to get good and when they get really good I want to hear your excuses. [emoji16] plus Chico needs you. He is all alone without you.
At this point we are who we are and neither one of us our changing each others minds. The only thing that will come out of this is us arguing and likely insulting each other. Chico doesn't seem to mind being the loan wolf.

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