Thread: Winning
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Old 01-30-2019, 10:20 AM   #403
punch it in
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Re: Winning

Originally Posted by sdskinsfan2001 View Post
I replied to his comment because it was in reference to Kamala Harris. I didn't bold anything or add anything about what he said.

Debates are about winning, not making sure the loser is happy with how its won. And lets not just act like all the other candidates in recent history were nice sweet angels, and Trump was the 1st one to ever be negative. People in the same parties even rip each other to shreds in primaries.

No one thought Trump would win in the 1st place. Running some uber liberal from the bay area is a walk in the park. Don't see her wining a lot of votes between the coasts. If she is the Democrats best candidate, Democrats are in trouble.

I am a conservative so I agree with a lot of things Trump has done. And if the media ever covered him remotely fairly more people would know about some of the positive results. There is probably nothing me and Harris would do the same.

1) make ur own post do not piggyback off of a crass, male chauvinist one if you do not want to be associated with it - message board 101.
2) debates are about winning- not hurling insults and lies just to incite your base.
3) Trump is by far thee rudest politician to ever hold office and no rude is not a good quality- it does not mean he has balls. It means he has no plan, no policies in place and so he acts out like any ignorant bully ever.
4) Trump won because Russia hacked the election- but I know everyone in his orbit is under indictment or in jail because of coincidence and Mueller has a secret vendetta against a reality tv star. [emoji849]
5) don’t leave now - things are starting to get good and when they get really good I want to hear your excuses. [emoji16] plus Chico needs you. He is all alone without you.
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