Thread: Baltimore riots
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Old 04-28-2015, 11:42 AM   #14
Hug Anne Spyder
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Re: Baltimore riots

It's a shame that the people who are trying to impact change in a positive way, i.e. peaceful protesting, are being lumped in with the opportunists who see a man's death as an opportunity to grab a bunch of goods and destroy property for fun. The rioters and looters will always cancel out the statement the citizens are trying to make.

And in a few weeks/months or so when it dies down (or the next prejudiced killing occurs), everybody will be asking why their message never got across, and the cycle will repeat. I'm not going to sit here and pretend I know what it's like to be profiled, or that the system is set up to fail my people. But it's a damn shame that it looks like we haven't learned anything from the civil rights demonstrations of the 60's. History just feels doomed to repeat itself in these situations.

Edit: Hope those of you close to the action stay safe, even though I don't think any progress will be made because of these riots I still hope nobody comes out of this any worse for the wear.
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