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Old 07-29-2014, 05:24 PM   #65
Paul Nichols
Camp Scrub
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Join Date: Jul 2014
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Re: Warpath vs ExtremeSkins

Originally Posted by SirLK26 View Post
Welcome to the Warpath.

In my opinion, ES isn't that bad. There are some jerks for mods and a few a**hole regular members, but there are also quite a few good posters. I don't go there often since this site is quite a bit better, but one time I do visit regularly is around the draft. The ES draft prospects thread is pretty informative. One knock I hear quite frequently against ES is the color scheme; and while it's not as tasty of eye-candy as the WP's, I don't think it's horrible like some say. TheHogs and hailRedskins, now, are pretty bad in that department.
I wish I had the time to read to that extent. The job used to allow me the time to read and engage alot more, but nowadays, it's like 100 mph from start to finish. Too often a 2nd-level Redskin is mentioned and I'm like "Who?".
Growing up, I could tell you every stinkin' member. Life moves too fast now.
I may not know all of them like the old days, but it's Redskins til the end.
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