Originally Posted by whistler
Your reasoning makes T Williams an unbearable risk, by your standards. Since your talking about an indefinitely suspended player's value being zero, T Williams being one incident from an indefinite suspension, so, your saying his value is nearly worthless. Then the skins should draft another starting LT. Right?
No, I said that any player who is already indefinitely suspended is worthless to his team. That does not speak to how much risk a team might be willing to take by signing any given player who would face such a penalty if he were to fail another drug test.
Some players are worth more risk than other players. These two players are not of equal value. Williams is worth taking more risk for than Jackson. You either don't understand the concept of risk/reward or you value Jackson way too much.
Try it this way: First, forget about Williams, suspensions, etc. This started out as a discussion of the relative values of Orakpo and Jackson. So, if the choice is between these two players, then I say "yes" to Orakpo and "no" to Jackson because I think Orakpo is much more valuable to the team than Jackson. I would be happy to see the Skins sign Orakpo for tens of millions of dollars and it wouldn't bother me much if they didn't sign Jackson at all.