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EARTHQUAKE2689 12-06-2007 04:07 PM

Was I in the Right here????
Ok last night I am driving around with my GF after going out to eat. I stop to get gas and there are these two guys sitting in front of the store and my girlfriend says she wants to get out to stretch, so she does, and the two guys start making comments. I get pissed but she tells me to ignore them so I do. Then we both walk in the gas station and as we are coming out they keep talking so I say "shut your mouth or I will shut it for you!" and the older guy (probably 23,24 years old the other guy looks like he is my age) he takes this as an invitation to grab her by the hand she stumbles and falls and scrapes her knee so I get even more pissed and I punch the guy twice and he falls and I hit him again and the owner calls the cops and I have to get my brother to come down and we sort the whole thing out. The cop ends up saying it was self-defense but now my bro is pissed at me I just want to know do you guys think I did the right thing or not?

EARTHQUAKE2689 12-06-2007 04:08 PM

Re: Was I in the Right here????
my bro is mad because he says i could of ended up in jail and i understand that but what would you guys have done?

TheMalcolmConnection 12-06-2007 04:09 PM

Re: Was I in the Right here????
I would have done the same thing man.

TheMalcolmConnection 12-06-2007 04:09 PM

Re: Was I in the Right here????
What kind of comments were they making?

EARTHQUAKE2689 12-06-2007 04:10 PM

Re: Was I in the Right here????
[quote=TheMalcolmConnection;389706]What kind of comments were they making?[/quote]

they were commenting her body and saying that she sucks a good........... I will leave it at that.

TheMalcolmConnection 12-06-2007 04:12 PM

Re: Was I in the Right here????
[quote=EARTHQUAKE2689;389708]they were commenting her body and saying that she sucks a good........... I will leave it at that.[/quote]

Honestly, when people comment on my wife's body (and NOTHING else) I just grab that ass and show those fuckers what they ain't getting.

Now if they said some shit about sucking stuff, I'd get pissed, but I'd still know the one she's doing it to. ;)

EARTHQUAKE2689 12-06-2007 04:18 PM

Re: Was I in the Right here????
[quote=TheMalcolmConnection;389710]Honestly, when people comment on my wife's body (and NOTHING else) I just grab that ass and show those fuckers what they ain't getting.

Now if they said some shit about sucking stuff, I'd get pissed, but I'd still know the one she's doing it to. ;)[/quote]

i wasnt going to do anything until he grabbed her and she fell and scraped her knee that is when I wanted to put his head through a window

Southpaw 12-06-2007 04:47 PM

Re: Was I in the Right here????
[quote=EARTHQUAKE2689;389708]they were commenting her body and saying that she sucks a good........... I will leave it at that.[/quote]

I don't see anything wrong with what you did. I might've gotten a bit more out of hand than you did, so I think you handled it very well.

My lady is a bartender, so douchebaggish comments are part of the territory. If I'm around and I hear them, it's a bit irritating, but she does a good job of communicating to them that she's not interested. But if someone made a comment about her sucking D... he'd be limping home with a broken jaw. And any guy causing physical harm to her will be lucky to even make it home...

mredskins 12-06-2007 04:53 PM

Re: Was I in the Right here????
Say all the tuff guy stuff you want but if those punks are packing heat you and your lady are done. In today's world just let it ride, sure you are pissed but always concered the source when someone verbal attacks you.

dmek25 12-06-2007 04:55 PM

Re: Was I in the Right here????
i agree. just keep walking with a grin:) like im the man shes with

EARTHQUAKE2689 12-06-2007 04:56 PM

Re: Was I in the Right here????
[quote=mredskins;389724]Say all the tuff guy stuff you want but if those punks are packing heat you and your lady are done. In today's world just let it ride, sure you are pissed but always concered the source when someone verbal attacks you.[/quote]

true the words i can deal with but when they grabbed her AND she fell all hell broke lose thats all i can say

EARTHQUAKE2689 12-06-2007 04:57 PM

Re: Was I in the Right here????
[quote=dmek25;389725]i agree. just keep walking with a grin:) like im the man shes with[/quote]

i will remember that for next time i guess it is a 18 year old reaction

jbcjr14 12-06-2007 05:02 PM

Re: Was I in the Right here????
Ya, in this day and age you really need to be careful when confronting people that are clearly instigating trouble. I don't have issue that you popped that punk in the mouth, but you just need to be careful you don't get cut or capped when in the process of showing your manhood.

mredskins 12-06-2007 05:04 PM

Re: Was I in the Right here????
[quote=EARTHQUAKE2689;389727]i will remember that for next time i guess it is a 18 year old reaction[/quote]

If I remeber your story right they didn't grab at her until you told them to shut their mouth.

Nothing makes them madder then when you simply do nothing, they are trying to get a reaction.

EARTHQUAKE2689 12-06-2007 05:14 PM

Re: Was I in the Right here????
[quote=mredskins;389730]If I remeber your story right they didn't grab at her until you told them to shut their mouth.

Nothing makes them madder then when you simply do nothing, they are trying to get a reaction.[/quote]

true maybe i did set them off in that aspect. but that still gave them no right but if i could do it again i dont know what i would do i probably wouldnt have said anything

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