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2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
Let's start this thing out with this gem.
[url]http://www.nytimes.com/2012/05/17/us/politics/gop-super-pac-weighs-hard-line-attack-on-obama.html?_r=3&pagewanted=1&hp[/url] [QUOTE]The plan, which is awaiting approval, calls for running commercials linking Mr. Obama to incendiary comments by his former spiritual adviser, the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., whose race-related sermons made him a highly charged figure in the 2008 campaign. [/QUOTE] :laughing2 Now, I'm certainly no fan of Obama, but is this the best they can muster up? If it didn't work the last time, chances are it's not going to work again after he's been in office for 4 years. They need to stick with the economy and job issues if they have a snowballs chance in hell here. |
Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
...and just that fast, I suppose somebody told them how big of idiot they would look like if such ads ran.
[url=http://news.yahoo.com/billionaire-wont-air-obama-wright-campaign-ads-165806842.html]Billionaire won't air Obama-Wright campaign ads - Yahoo! News[/url] At least Romney was smart enough to avoid these idiots like the plague. [quote]Romney had urged the independent group, which favors his candidacy, to abandon the Wright strategy and to focus instead on his bedrock issue, the economy. "I repudiate the effort by that PAC to promote an ad strategy of the nature they've described," Romney told the conservative website Townhall.com. "I would like to see this campaign focus on the economy, on getting people back to work, on seeing rising incomes and growing prosperity — particularly for those in the middle class of America."[/quote] |
Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
[url=http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/forget-bain-obamas-public-equity-record-is-the-real-scandal/2012/05/24/gJQAXnXCnU_story.html]Forget Bain — Obama’s public-equity record is the real scandal - The Washington Post[/url]
Good little read. |
Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
Choom Gang! Lol.
[url=http://www.buzzfeed.com/gavon/a-users-guide-to-smoking-pot-with-barack-obama]A User's Guide To Smoking Pot With Barack Obama[/url] |
Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
[url=http://news.yahoo.com/warning-signs-obama-path-electoral-votes-153258403.html]Warning signs for Obama on path to electoral votes - Yahoo! News[/url]
Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
Maybe if they combined the two articles things would make more sense. He smoked pot, drank , and snorted alot of coke. Now he makes poor investment decisions.
Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
[quote=GMScud;918655][URL="http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/forget-bain-obamas-public-equity-record-is-the-real-scandal/2012/05/24/gJQAXnXCnU_story.html"]Forget Bain — Obama’s public-equity record is the real scandal - The Washington Post[/URL]
Good little read.[/quote] Great read...the game is the game. ...unlike Romney though, Obama isn't purposefully trying to create zombie companies so he can liquidate them and add their cash reserves to his personal coffers. Private equity can be a nasty business if you don't get a good term-sheet and Bain Capital can hardly be blamed for it's ruthlessness...it's just business. |
Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
[quote=NC_Skins;917507]Let's start this thing out with this gem.
[URL]http://www.nytimes.com/2012/05/17/us/politics/gop-super-pac-weighs-hard-line-attack-on-obama.html?_r=3&pagewanted=1&hp[/URL] :laughing2 Now, I'm certainly no fan of Obama, but is this the best they can muster up? If it didn't work the last time, chances are it's not going to work again after he's been in office for 4 years. They need to stick with the economy and job issues if they have a snowballs chance in hell here.[/quote] Well, compared to the "Romney cut some kid's hair 40 years ago", it's a good argument! |
Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
[quote=saden1;918974]Great read...the game is the game.
...unlike Romney though, Obama isn't purposefully trying to create zombie companies so he can liquidate them and add their cash reserves to his personal coffers. Private equity can be a nasty business if you don't get a good term-sheet and Bain Capital can hardly be blamed for it's ruthlessness...it's just business.[/quote] I'm under the impression that Bain purchased struggling companies and got them back on their feet and sold them. If I'm correct then you do have to make the needed cuts and sometimes it means jobs and people get hurt. Letting the business go bankrupt cost everyone their jobs not just a few cuts. Staples is one of those struggeling companies Bain purchased then sold after making the needed cuts. |
Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
[quote=firstdown;919005]I'm under the impression that Bain purchased struggling companies and got them back on their feet and sold them. If I'm correct then you do have to make the needed cuts and sometimes it means jobs and people get hurt. Letting the business go bankrupt cost everyone their jobs not just a few cuts. Staples is one of those struggeling companies Bain purchased then sold after making the needed cuts.[/quote]
There are many facets to Private Equity and one of them is in the mold of a loan shark. At the end of the day their sole objective is to make as much money as possible as fast as possible without any emotion or regard for anyone other than their shareholders. When the desperate take money from them they sometimes simply buy a company with the intent of laying off people and selling off the company's assets. It's a dirty business but then again so is the insurance business. Bottom line, don't take money from private equity unless you know what you're getting into. Unfortunately the little guy isn't the one making the call to take money from them and they will almost always be the ones to get hurt. |
Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
[quote=saden1;919022]There are many fascists to Private Equity and one of them is in the mold of a loan shark. [/quote]
Freudien slip? |
Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
[quote=SmootSmack;919046]Freudien slip?[/quote]
LOL...I blame the spell checker. |
Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
[quote=saden1;919022]There are many facets to Private Equity and one of them is in the mold of a loan shark. At the end of the day their sole objective is to make as much money as possible as fast as possible without any emotion or regard for anyone other than their shareholders. When the desperate take money from them they sometimes simply buy a company with the intent of laying off people and selling off the company's assets. It's a dirty business but then again [B]so is the insurance business[/B].
Bottom line, don't take money from private equity unless you know what you're getting into. Unfortunately the little guy isn't the one making the call to take money from them and they will almost always be the ones to get hurt.[/quote] You show everyday how big of a dick head you really are. You try to act smart but are very ignorant. |
Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
[quote=GMScud;918655][url=http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/forget-bain-obamas-public-equity-record-is-the-real-scandal/2012/05/24/gJQAXnXCnU_story.html]Forget Bain — Obama’s public-equity record is the real scandal - The Washington Post[/url]
Good little read.[/quote] Shocker. A politician giving out legislation and funds based off a person's campaign contributions!! I can show you legislation from every Rep/Sen/Pres and it will no doubt correlate with some campaign donor or lobbyist. This is the absolute downfall of our government and will be until we kick corporations out of our government. [quote=GMScud;918754]Choom Gang! Lol. [url=http://www.buzzfeed.com/gavon/a-users-guide-to-smoking-pot-with-barack-obama]A User's Guide To Smoking Pot With Barack Obama[/url][/quote] So you know his real stance on legalizing marijuana, it's just that he's being lobbied by corporate interests (tobacco, alcohol, drug pharmaceuticals) to keep it illegal. Money talks. |
Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
[quote=firstdown;919096]You try to ack smart but are very ignorant.[/quote]
This is priceless. :laughing- |
Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
[quote=Monkeydad;918992]Well, compared to the "Romney cut some kid's hair 40 years ago", it's a good argument![/quote]
Touché. At least the hair cutting incident was accurate based on witness testimony, the birther stuff isn't based off anything but wild conjecture. |
Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
[quote=NC_Skins;919108]This is priceless. :laughing-[/quote]
I try to provide priceless moments. |
Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
[quote=firstdown;919096]You show everyday how big of a dick head you really are. You try to act smart but are very ignorant.[/quote]
I do act smart because I actually am. I am also a dickhead and I don't shy away from it. Self-acknowledgement is a prerequisite for self-education. Instead of being on my nuts try to step out of the shadow and get edumacated. |
Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
[quote=saden1;919165]I do act smart because I actually am. [B]I am also a dickhead[/B] and I don't shy away from it. Self-acknowledgement is a prerequisite for self-education.
Instead of being on my nuts try to step out of the shadow and get edumacated.[/quote] Well we agree on something. |
Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
[quote=saden1;919165]I do act smart because I actually am.[/quote]
Then it's not an act. [quote=saden1;919165]I am also a dickhead and I don't shy away from it. Self-acknowledgement is a prerequisite for self-education.[/quote] Are you sure you don't mean self-awareness? [quote=saden1;919165]Instead of being on my nuts try to step out of the shadow and get edumacated.[/quote] Well, la-di-da Ms. Scarlett.... :oink: |
Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
[quote=firstdown;919175]Well we agree on something.[/quote]
I am very agreeable. |
Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
[quote=RedskinRat;919177]Then it's not an act.[/quote]
Of course it isn't an act but some people will never acknowledged that. [quote]Are you sure you don't mean self-awareness?[/quote] No. To be aware is to recognize, to acknowledge is to recognize and let it be known that you recognize. |
Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
[url=http://www.theatlanticwire.com/politics/2012/05/ask-birther-are-you-convinced-mitt-romneys-birth-certificate/52968/]Ask a Birther: Are You Convinced by Mitt Romney's Birth Certificate? - Politics - The Atlantic Wire[/url] Birthers are stumped on this one...lol I love me some Jon Stewart. Donald Trump is such a clown. [url=http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/wed-may-30-2012/trump-o-gram?xrs=share_copy]Trump-o-Gram - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 05/30/12 - Video Clip | Comedy Central[/url] |
Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
Even Maureen Dowd beginning to turn?
[url]http://www.nytimes.com/2012/06/03/opinion/sunday/dowd-dreaming-of-a-superhero.html?_r=1&ref=opinion[/url] |
Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
GM, she's the Sally Jenkins of the NYT. Big Hillary supporter, professional complainer.
Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
[quote=GMScud;919764]Even Maureen Dowd beginning to turn?
[url]http://www.nytimes.com/2012/06/03/opinion/sunday/dowd-dreaming-of-a-superhero.html?_r=1&ref=opinion[/url][/quote] A few comments about this article. I think Obama's biggest downfall has been not addressing the economy from the get-go. Instead, he chose to roll with a controversial health care plan for the US, which ultimately led to the Dems losing the house again. That wasn't the priority that should have been addressed, and this should have been something really that could have been addressed in his second term. This, and he's surrounded himself with idiots because he's rotating his staff at a alarming rate. Bill isn't helping his wife's chances at being in office again. Wouldn't Hillary tell him to STFU? You'd think so. [quote]He wanted to get out of the corporate world he found so distasteful — he described himself as “a spy behind enemy lines” — and reimagine himself as a politician. [/quote] Ironic, because he's ended up a corporate patsy like all the other ones. Thought the article was a good one to be honest. |
Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
The Op was garbage and I'm not saying that just because I support the president. Nearly half of the article was spent promoting a soon to be released book trashing Obama dating back to his college years and time as a community organizer. How that is relevant in terms the past 3.5 years is beyond me.
Secondly, your timeline is off. The president did focus on jobs first. The Recovery Act, so called stimulus, was his first and major piece of economic legislation passed in Jan/09. It was nearly a year later when healthcare was passed. Nearly forty percent of the stimulus contained tax cuts to small businesses and 95% percent of Americans. CBO estimates that north of 5 million jobs can be attributed to the stimulus. Although it's hard to pin point an exact number. Third, with the exception of Chief of Staff, I'm not sure what positions have been rotating at an alarming rate. On the foreign policy side, he it's been an even rotation and I would hardly call Bob Gates, Hillary Clinton, and Leon Panetta idiots. On the domestic side -- same Sec. Treasury since day one, Sec. of Labor, and Sec. of Transportation, Same AG, et al. Yes, they've burned through 3 Chief of Staffs, that's a lot in 3 years..although Rahm resigned to run for Mayor. |
Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
[quote=12thMan;919795]Secondly, your timeline is off. The president did focus on jobs first. The Recovery Act, so called stimulus, was his first and major piece of economic legislation passed in Jan/09. It was nearly a year later when healthcare was passed. Nearly forty percent of the stimulus contained tax cuts to small businesses and 95% percent of Americans. CBO estimates that north of 5 million jobs can be attributed to the stimulus. Although it's hard to pin point an exact number.
Third, with the exception of Chief of Staff, I'm not sure what positions have been rotating at an alarming rate. On the foreign policy side, he it's been an even rotation and I would hardly call Bob Gates, Hillary Clinton, and Leon Panetta idiots. On the domestic side -- same Sec. Treasury since day one, Sec. of Labor, and Sec. of Transportation, Same AG, et al. Yes, they've burned through 3 Chief of Staffs, that's a lot in 3 years..although Rahm resigned to run for Mayor.[/quote] Maybe I should say, he didn't focus enough on the economy, especially when that was the biggest issue that needed to be deal with. Putting down legislation that would criminalize actions like we saw from Wall Street (and continue to see) would have been a great start and possibly tighter restrictions on loans given to them. In a perfect world, people wouldn't need their hand held, but we've seen greed become the common denominator here that requires the hand holding as to prevent our economy from doing another nose dive. Cut spending, close tax loopholes for rich and corporations, etc.....many other things needed before his Health Care Bill. I should have clarified the "idiots' he's surrounding himself with. I wasn't referring to his whole staff. The point is, he has failed big time on the economy which is the single most important issue at hand here. Not Iran, not Afghan, not Iraq, but the economy. I understand he needs help, and he has gotten exactly 0 help from the GOP crew. It's like those assholes are deliberately sabotaging him just so they can say LOOOK SEE!! HE"S BAD!! All the while they are the true culprits behind this. Is there anyway we can split up our country into the GOP/Liberals? I'd be willing to move just to watch those idiots drive themselves into the ground spending all their money on military all the while their middle class gets snuffed out and basically end up slaves. |
Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
Look, I've pretty much resigned myself the reality that Congress is what it is. The voters will and should hold the president accountable on November 6 regardless of the clear obstructionism we've witnessed over the past 3.5 years. I'm not here to make any excuses for Obama. He's a big boy, he signed up for this job, and he needs to put in more work to make this shit right. Period. Voters reward results, not good intentions.
That said, let's see where the economy is come November before we start pronouncing failure. |
Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
[url=http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/power-players-abc-news/money-men-powerful-secret-names-behind-campaign-dough-123012290.html]Money Men: The Powerful and the Secret Names Behind Campaign Dough | Power Players - Yahoo! News[/url]
Your country is bought and paid for. 12th man. I don't need to wait till November. As long as money is guiding our politics, it'll continue to be a failure. It's time we get corporate america out of our goverment as well as the religious nuts. |
Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
This isn't really directly tied to the Presidential race since both parties are gung ho for military spending (regardless of the spin), but read this article, and ask yourself who is the aggressor in the dynamic. And if another country were spending this much on an invisible battleship, how would it be portrayed in our media/politics.
[url=http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/asia_pacific/stealth-destroyer-at-over-3-billion-apiece-is-us-navys-latest-answer-to-rising-china/2012/06/04/gJQAtizlCV_story_1.html]Stealth destroyer, at over $3 billion apiece, is US Navy’s latest answer to rising China - The Washington Post[/url] |
Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
[quote=12thMan;919804]Look, I've pretty much resigned myself the reality that Congress is what it is. The voters will and should hold the president accountable on November 6 regardless of the clear obstructionism we've witnessed over the past 3.5 years. I'm not here to make any excuses for Obama. He's a big boy, he signed up for this job, and he needs to put in more work to make this shit right. Period. Voters reward results, not good intentions.
That said, let's see where the economy is come November before we start pronouncing failure.[/quote] Its been dems who have not voted along with Obama which has been his problem. His first two year the Dems had total control and he could not get them to vote on his bills but you guys blamed the GOP. You act like he is the first Pres. to have this problem and he is not. Bill Clinton had to work with the GOP and he managed to get bills passed by working with them unlike Obama. Also if I'm correct didn't all his financial advisors who work on the stimulas resign? |
Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
I believe two people have resigned: Christina Romer and Larry Summers resigned. Tim Geithner is still there. Romer more or less took the position knowing she would return back to teaching in short order.
Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
[quote=GMScud;919764]Even Maureen Dowd beginning to turn?
[url]http://www.nytimes.com/2012/06/03/opinion/sunday/dowd-dreaming-of-a-superhero.html?_r=1&ref=opinion[/url] [/quote][url]http://www.nytimes.com/2007/02/14/opinion/14dowd.html[/url] Column from Maureen Dowd trashing Obama back in Feb 2007. Same shit, different day. |
Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
Had to laugh at this.
[IMG]http://0.tqn.com/d/politicalhumor/1/0/Z/v/2/mitt-fix-washinton.jpg[/IMG] |
Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
[quote=NC_Skins;919841]Had to laugh at this.
[IMG]http://0.tqn.com/d/politicalhumor/1/0/Z/v/2/mitt-fix-washinton.jpg[/IMG][/quote] That's not me. |
Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
does anybody feel like we really dont have a choice this time around? Im really not happy with Obama, but is Mitt the answer? Dont know, but im leaning towards Mitt at this point.
Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
[quote=CRedskinsRule;919808]This isn't really directly tied to the Presidential race since both parties are gung ho for military spending (regardless of the spin), but read this article, and ask yourself who is the aggressor in the dynamic. And if another country were spending this much on an invisible battleship, how would it be portrayed in our media/politics.
[url=http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/asia_pacific/stealth-destroyer-at-over-3-billion-apiece-is-us-navys-latest-answer-to-rising-china/2012/06/04/gJQAtizlCV_story_1.html]Stealth destroyer, at over $3 billion apiece, is US Navy’s latest answer to rising China - The Washington Post[/url][/quote] Just the kind of shit I want to see. OMG CHINA HAS A BOAT! QUICK LETS SPEND ANOTHER TRILLION DOLLARS ON WAR MACHINES!! This is a huge reason why Russia went bankrupt. It spent all of its money in the Cold War trying to keep up with the US and for funding a non winnable war in Afghanistan. This is the shit the Republicans want to spend their money on. Yeah, **** those peasants and their healthcare and social security. We want things that blow up people. (preferably minorities) Americans want this to change, but our politicians are bought and paid for by military industrial market. [url=http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/ezra-klein/post/americans-want-to-slash-defense-spending-but-washington-isnt-listening/2012/05/10/gIQAyAzQGU_blog.html]Americans want to slash defense spending, but Washington isn’t listening - The Washington Post[/url] [IMG]http://c.michaelhyatt.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/iStock_000009029390Small.jpg[/IMG] |
Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
[quote=NC_Skins;919984]Just the kind of shit I want to see. OMG CHINA HAS A BOAT! QUICK LETS SPEND ANOTHER TRILLION DOLLARS ON WAR MACHINES!! This is a huge reason why Russia went bankrupt. It spent all of its money in the Cold War trying to keep up with the US and for funding a non winnable war in Afghanistan.
[B]This is the shit the Republicans want to spend their money on. [/B]Yeah, **** those peasants and their healthcare and social security. We want things that blow up people. (preferably minorities) Americans want this to change, but our politicians are bought and paid for by military industrial market. [url=http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/ezra-klein/post/americans-want-to-slash-defense-spending-but-washington-isnt-listening/2012/05/10/gIQAyAzQGU_blog.html]Americans want to slash defense spending, but Washington isn’t listening - The Washington Post[/url] [IMG]http://c.michaelhyatt.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/iStock_000009029390Small.jpg[/IMG][/quote] This isn't republican/democratic, both sides spend on military, in ridiculous amounts, and on projects that bring work into their district. Growing up Sam Nunn (D-Ga) was one of the most powerful proponents of military spending. Ultimately you don't need a 3Billion dollar boat to protect our shores/interests you need a 3Billion dollar boat because you want every body to see the size of your toys. |
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