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sportscurmudgeon 02-24-2004 11:51 AM

Arrington's agent filing complaint
LaVar Arrington's agent will file a complaint with the NFLPA against the Redskins for reneging on something between $6M and $8M on the contract that they signed a couple of months ago. Obviously, the Redskins will assert that they did not short change Arrington.

Hopefully, this will get resolved quickly and amicably or this could be a whole lot less than "wonderful".

Sheriff Gonna Getcha 02-24-2004 11:59 AM

40-year old stay-at-home moms around the world watch another episode of "As the Offseason Turns." Stay tuned, more drama to come.

ChounsMan 02-24-2004 12:06 PM

That's all we need Lavar holding out :eek:

Hey guys it's the original Chouns back as ChounsMan.

Gmanc711 02-24-2004 02:01 PM

I have a feeling this fiasco will get settled quickly and there wont be a holdout

SkinsRock 02-24-2004 02:43 PM

If it was an issue, why wait till now to bring it up? Sounds like his agent is just trying to create a stir... Why???

I agree that this will hopefully get settled quickly and won't be an issue.

johnnyredskin63 02-24-2004 05:19 PM

this has the potential to really sting if it's true.the comissoner can declare LA a free agent now,take away the skins first round pick this year and fine the hell out of them if it's true. :confused: :mad:

azskinsfan2 02-24-2004 06:18 PM

The original post says they are filing a complaint but not what the actual complaint is. How did the Skins renege on his contract??? Why finally sign him to a long term contract to make him a Skin for life and then try to screw him over??? What's up with that??????

johnnyredskin63 02-24-2004 06:21 PM

from what i have heard,he hornsaggled LA out of 8 million dollars.who knows?
this was before the sheriff rode back into town was'nt it?

Gmanc711 02-24-2004 06:27 PM

Is this that secret " Pastabelly " had in his article not too long ago?

azskinsfan2 02-24-2004 06:32 PM

Who ripped him off for 8 mil? Danny boy? and how??? how did he rip him off for the 8 mil????
At least they finally have Lavar Jerseys, hats etc for sale. He should make a mint from that stuff! I'm still waiting for a Retro Lavar Jersey!!!

Daseal 02-24-2004 06:33 PM

They must have realized we overpaid him!

Gmanc711 02-24-2004 06:34 PM

[QUOTE=johnnyredskin63]this has the potential to really sting if it's true.the comissoner can declare LA a free agent now,take away the skins first round pick this year and fine the hell out of them if it's true. :confused: :mad:[/QUOTE]

Man alive thats alot of stuff. Its not like we killed the bastard. I REAAAAAAALLLLY hope this is just some little bump that will get cleaned up quielty. If i was danny , I'd have LaVar in my office right now, offering him about say, a 8 million dollar check. Where have you guys read this btw, i havent read it anywhere, and cant find it (except a couple message boards)

drew54 02-24-2004 07:21 PM

This is not cool. Stiffing LA on a contract that he signed is not cool.

We cannot have this be true. If this is true this is the most disgusting thing ever. I might vomit and hate DS til the end of time. Better yet I might load up my car for a road trip and go hunt down the baffoon that let this happen.

Gmanc711 02-24-2004 07:30 PM

Seriously where did this news come from. I read last week at the end of pasta's column that we were gonna have some league thing to deal with. But I havent read anywhere that this is it, has anyone read this anywhere?

johnnyredskin63 02-25-2004 04:07 PM

[COLOR=DarkRed]that is big league business my man.that is trying to circumvent the salary cap in a major way.if snyder misrepresented the redskins in negotiations,its a league matter.and like i said,it could lead to
vey grave consequences.[/COLOR]

azskinsfan2 02-25-2004 07:55 PM

I still haven't heard anything as to how we ripped Lavar off!!!! Anyone actually know what happened?????????

Gmanc711 02-25-2004 07:59 PM

I really thought this would have been out in the big time ( espn, wp, ect ) by now. I'm starting to think that maybe they settled things under wraps, at least I hope

azskinsfan2 02-25-2004 08:04 PM

I agree, I haven't seen or heard anything else about this except on this post. This would be huge news on ESPN, etc. but I haven't seen anything else.

SkinsRock 02-26-2004 08:18 AM

It was in Tuesday's Wash Times (I think), but since it hasn't come up anywhere else, maybe it wasn't correct or has been settled quietly...

JWsleep 02-26-2004 11:53 AM

LA's agent claimed the skins changed the contract they agreed on. The skins say they filed the contract with the league and LA's agent initialed every page. The times speculated that the agent didn't realized he'd blown it and signed the deal. Very odd. I sure hope the skins are right!!!! :confused:

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