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JackLord 07-05-2020 03:06 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[quote=SkinzWin;1253831]I don’t want a name that is already another franchise name. See the Golden state warriors of the NBA.

I like the Redhawks.

Personally a fan of the Atlanta Braves, but again don’t want to share a team name.

Hogs is a terrible name.

I still say Washington Renegades should be strongly considered and use the Redskins “R” logo.[/quote]

Renegades reminds me of the USFL.

I hear you about sharing a name, but the Skins were the Boston Braves and shared their stadium with the Boston Braves baseball team. They switched to Redskins- much to the chagrin of the latter day sjws- because they moved to Fenway and shared with the Red Sox.

I doubt anyone would confuse us with the NBA Warriors.

So, RedHawks it is.

Giantone 07-05-2020 03:19 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins

BaltimoreSkins 07-05-2020 03:29 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins

They need to get as far away from any direct correlation to NA as possible or this issue will only continue to fester.[/quote]

The question is will Dan listen to reason. I can see him saying "but we are honoring them" as his argument and not seeing the forest for the trees. Like I said this will be his defining legacy.

Screw it up and he will be known as the perpetual loser that defended racist and racist jr. monikers. Do this right and his legacy may very well become positive.

Chico23231 07-05-2020 03:30 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[quote=Giantone;1253894][B]RED TAILS or SENATORS[/B][/quote]

Fuck both those.

SFREDSKIN 07-05-2020 04:40 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
Redcrows with a logo like the one in this link:


Skinsfanatic 07-05-2020 05:04 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
Personally I like Red Tails.

But, here is one for you: The [freedom] Riders.


Use the R Logo.

oldfan 07-05-2020 05:14 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
I think the name redtails is embarrassing. Can you imagine the headlines after Washington looses to some one? "Washington's tails are red after getting beat by (insert another team name.)

I would prefer warriors.

JackLord 07-05-2020 05:14 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[quote=BaltimoreSkins;1253896]The question is will Dan listen to reason. I can see him saying "but we are honoring them" as his argument and not seeing the forest for the trees. Like I said this will be his defining legacy.

Screw it up and he will be known as the perpetual loser that defended racist and racist jr. monikers. Do this right and his legacy may very well become positive.[/quote]

I have always thought, "honoring them" was a pretty hollow claim. I realize it is the obvious retort to "disparaging them", but Dan should never have made that his basis.

Honestly, we Americans and a good chunk of the world have always been fascinated by the indigenous peoples of North America. Indians are Cool. The imagery is intoxicating.

As for his legacy, Dan has had several second chances and tends to scuttle them after showing promise.

Chico23231 07-05-2020 05:18 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[quote=oldfan;1253906]I think the name redtails is embarrassing. Can you imagine the headlines after Washington looses to some one? "Washington's tails are red after getting beat by (insert another team name.)

I would prefer warriors.[/quote] just doesn’t sound good. Sounds super lame

Pervis_Griffith 07-05-2020 05:24 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[quote=Chico23231;1253909] just doesn’t sound good. Sounds super lame[/quote]

Agreed on Red Tails.

Name for the Tuskeegee Airmen?? awesome.

Name for a football franchise?? Sucks ass.

What would the Redskinette cheerleaders be called? The Split Tails?

I'm not a fan of the Warriors ... but I have a feeling this will be the name. Doesn't Danny boy already own the copy rights to this?

Meks 07-05-2020 05:36 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
D.C. Natives

mooby 07-05-2020 05:43 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[quote=Meks;1253912]D.C. Natives[/quote]

Might as well call them the DC Spearchuckers. You telling me Native Americans are gonna protest Indians but not Natives?

BaltimoreSkins 07-05-2020 05:45 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[quote=oldfan;1253906]I think the name redtails is embarrassing. Can you imagine the headlines after Washington looses to some one? "Washington's tails are red after getting beat by (insert another team name.)

I would prefer warriors.[/quote]

You mean like this?

Giantone 07-05-2020 05:46 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[quote=Chico23231;1253897]Fuck both those.[/quote]

LOL, they way you're going take one of those two to the bank!

BaltimoreSkins 07-05-2020 05:58 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[quote=JackLord;1253907]I have always thought, "honoring them" was a pretty hollow claim. I realize it is the obvious retort to "disparaging them", but Dan should never have made that his basis.

Honestly, we Americans and a good chunk of the world have always been fascinated by the indigenous peoples of North America. Indians are Cool. The imagery is intoxicating.

As for his legacy, Dan has had several second chances and tends to scuttle them after showing promise.[/quote]

It is nice knowing Ron Rivera is there and there is an adult at the table but to piggy back on what you said that is a classic Dan move. RR has been here for a cup of coffee and he is having input. I am assuming Gibbs is being asked for advice, maybe? IDK

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