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KI Skins Fan 07-06-2020 01:33 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
I'd bet on Warriors as the name that is chosen but I like the name Heroes. I hope the team keeps the current colors so I can still call them the Burgundy and Gold.

MTK 07-06-2020 01:36 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[quote=KI Skins Fan;1254033]I'd bet on Warriors as the name that is chosen but I like the name Heroes. I hope the team keeps the current colors so I can still call them the Burgundy and Gold.[/quote]

I thought calling anyone a hero was off limits after 911

JackLord 07-06-2020 02:11 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[quote=Burgold;1254013]Look,first of all,I love the team as much as anyone,but let's get away from anything Native -American as far as a new name goes-now as far as names go should be something that identifies with the city-Monuments-Federals[yes I know about the old USFL team]but that was a whole different time and league-Express-Archives...well just some ideas,I''ll be following this as I'm sure everyone else will...I just hope they don't name em anything stupid sounding.[/quote]

That's why I think the Redhawks option is probably the best.

We can pretty much keep all our traditions- colors, the (tweaked) fight song, and our logo, albeit an earlier one.

We completely get away from the Native American controversy.

And we need not bother with adopting something disingenuous or USFL-sounding.


sdskinsfan2001 07-06-2020 02:17 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
Washington Warriors is lame. What the fuck is a Warrior? That represents absolutely nothing and everything at the same time. So bland on top of being so unoriginal. There are thousands of words to choose from that aren't already being used.

The more I hear Redhawks or Redtails the more I dislike either of them too.

I'm just preparing myself to be disappointed and have a name that rather instead of actually liking, I'll just have to get used to.

Pick any name, besides Warriors, that doesn't have the word red in it. Get a fresh new name.

MTK 07-06-2020 02:20 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
Get rid of Red in the name, just sounds forced.

Jimbo 07-06-2020 02:28 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
Just wondering where blm is after the holiday weekend shameful

JackLord 07-06-2020 02:31 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[quote=MTK;1254042]Get rid of Red in the name, just sounds forced.[/quote]

Worked for Miami University and St Johns University.

The only thing that has kept me engaged during L'Regime Snyder has been the history and traditions.

We can keep those. But if we switch to something radically different, those go out the window and there is little incentive to stick around.

Of course, that is just me. Obviously other opinions are equally as valid. :joecool:

Monkeydad 07-06-2020 02:47 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
I haven't posted here for years but I was curious to see what you guys think.

I really think they need to retain the B&G at all costs. We may be forced to change our name, but we have almost 90 years of tradition that doesn't need to be flushed down the toilet due to politics.

My preferences:

1. Warriors - as mentioned, Snyder has the rights to it and may have had this plan in his back pocket the entire time, knowing it would eventually happen.

We could keep the uniforms or change to the 70th Anniversary spear set and still have one of the better looks in the NFL. NO BLACK JERSEYS. Black for black's sake is never good. I prefer tradition over trends.

2. Braves - go back to our original name and it would probably have the least impact in terms of feeling like we're losing our identity.

If we go with that name, I'd love to see the leather helmet throwbacks become our primary uniform.

3. Redhawks - I wasn't a fan of it until I saw the concept that skinsfaninok posted above.

The feathered "R" logo is fantastic, but I might prefer using the Gibbs' "R" logo in it.

4. Redtails - Solid identity with some significant meaning and local roots too as 3 of the 5 Tuskegee airmen were from the D.C. area. My only hesitation is if the current racial situation in the country is the suggestion...these men were true heroes that deserve honor, not a consolation prize or being awarded it because of the color of their skin. They do not need reparation payments, they've earned all of the respect in the world based on their heroic acts. That's above politics.

I saw a concept online based on the leather helmet set with some red airplane striping added to the helmet and aviation logos on the pants.

5. Renegades - we can keep the color scheme and most logos, probably not the Indian head since we'd then be calling Native Americans violent.

70th Spear uniform!


Also, Nike pulling our merchandise but not the Super Bowl champ Chiefs is really hypocritical. They also get heavily invested in racial politics with Kaepernick yet take this giant stand against us? And yes, there's the Chinese child labor too...

It's sad that Dan is really being blackmailed into this. He's defended the team and its tradition forever, even won in the Supreme Court when challenged, but the political powers have found a way to force him into it by making it impossible to financially afford to keep it. The D.C. mayor, FedEx and Nike's moves are more pressure than he can withstand.

After this happens, no one will be happier for it. The culture cancel movement will move onto the next target. I would not be surprised if someday the New England Patriots are a target...we're seeing in this nation how many people are offended by the concept of Patriotism, our flag, our monuments, our history, our simple founding as a nation.

Then who? The Vikings are practicing "cultural appropriation". The Cowboys, Browns and Bills named after white men so that's "white privilege". The Giants are fat shaming. The Packers can be interpreted many ways. The 49ers symbolize corporate greed and wrecking the environment, as do the Steelers. No profiting off of endangered species! Raiders and Buccaneers promote violence. Saints are promoting religion and the Fleur de Lis was used to brand runaway slaves.

Where will it stop?

MTK 07-06-2020 02:49 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
Buster where have you been!?

Monkeydad 07-06-2020 02:51 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[quote=MTK;1254042]Get rid of Red in the name, just sounds forced.[/quote]

I tend to agree. That's another reason I think Redtails and Redhawks gained so much steam...some people want to hold onto the "Red".

I'd prefer to keep the color scheme but go with Warriors or Braves.

Monkeydad 07-06-2020 02:52 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[quote=MTK;1254053]Buster where have you been!?[/quote]

Matty, you remember me! :D

Enjoy the break from me?

Just very busy, I've come on to lurk a few times but not as active in posting obviously. I've still been cleaning up in the Warpath fantasy league though.

Took my son to his first Skins game last year against the Lions...great first game for him to see.

Excited for this year's team...a lot to be excited about as a Washington ___[U](fiill-in-the-blank)[/U]___ fan!

MTK 07-06-2020 02:53 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[quote=Monkeydad;1254055]Matty, you remember me! :D

Enjoy the break from me?

Just very busy, I've come on to lurk a few times but not as active in posting obviously. I've still been cleaning up in the Warpath fantasy league though.[/quote]

Good to see you back around

VTSkins1961 07-06-2020 05:21 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
I like you top 3 picks but I have mine in a different order. - I think as much as I hate this that besides the name change there will need to be a logo change. I don't like the Red Tails though because it could bring up more protests. Saw that logo you were talking about and I'm not a fan of it but maybe because I just don't want a name change....- just my opinion

I think most of us don't want a name change. Might be a good time to drop Washington as well depending on where we are playing....

1. Braves because that is what their original nick name was and it is a general term Change logo to Spear Can keep uniform the it is now or go to Home - burgundy jersey and gold pants Away - Burgundy pants and white jerseys, or you could go with gold pants

2. Warriors - because it is a general term Change logo to Spear Can keep uniform the it is now or go to Home - burgundy jersey and gold pants Away - Burgundy pants and white jerseys, or you could go with gold pants

3. Mohawks - would have to talk to tribe chief and get their blessing. Set up a fund for them and give them royalties - Change logo logo to Spear. Can keep uniform the it is now or go to Home - burgundy jersey and gold pants Away - Burgundy pants and white jerseys, or you could go with gold pants. I don't see this happening because down the road there could be more protests.

4. Redhawks - Change logo to R. Can keep uniform the it is now or go to Home - burgundy jersey and gold pants Away - Burgundy pants and white jerseys, or you could go with gold pants

If we go in an entirely different direction then I think I like Renegades for a nick name. Uniform could change but could also keep it the way it is now.

[quote=Monkeydad;1254052]I haven't posted here for years but I was curious to see what you guys think.

I really think they need to retain the B&G at all costs. We may be forced to change our name, but we have almost 90 years of tradition that doesn't need to be flushed down the toilet due to politics.

My preferences:

1. Warriors - as mentioned, Snyder has the rights to it and may have had this plan in his back pocket the entire time, knowing it would eventually happen.

We could keep the uniforms or change to the 70th Anniversary spear set and still have one of the better looks in the NFL. NO BLACK JERSEYS. Black for black's sake is never good. I prefer tradition over trends.

2. Braves - go back to our original name and it would probably have the least impact in terms of feeling like we're losing our identity.

If we go with that name, I'd love to see the leather helmet throwbacks become our primary uniform.

3. Redhawks - I wasn't a fan of it until I saw the concept that skinsfaninok posted above.

The feathered "R" logo is fantastic, but I might prefer using the Gibbs' "R" logo in it.

4. Redtails - Solid identity with some significant meaning and local roots too as 3 of the 5 Tuskegee airmen were from the D.C. area. My only hesitation is if the current racial situation in the country is the suggestion...these men were true heroes that deserve honor, not a consolation prize or being awarded it because of the color of their skin. They do not need reparation payments, they've earned all of the respect in the world based on their heroic acts. That's above politics.

I saw a concept online based on the leather helmet set with some red airplane striping added to the helmet and aviation logos on the pants.

5. Renegades - we can keep the color scheme and most logos, probably not the Indian head since we'd then be calling Native Americans violent.

70th Spear uniform!


Also, Nike pulling our merchandise but not the Super Bowl champ Chiefs is really hypocritical. They also get heavily invested in racial politics with Kaepernick yet take this giant stand against us? And yes, there's the Chinese child labor too...

It's sad that Dan is really being blackmailed into this. He's defended the team and its tradition forever, even won in the Supreme Court when challenged, but the political powers have found a way to force him into it by making it impossible to financially afford to keep it. The D.C. mayor, FedEx and Nike's moves are more pressure than he can withstand.

After this happens, no one will be happier for it. The culture cancel movement will move onto the next target. I would not be surprised if someday the New England Patriots are a target...we're seeing in this nation how many people are offended by the concept of Patriotism, our flag, our monuments, our history, our simple founding as a nation.

Then who? The Vikings are practicing "cultural appropriation". The Cowboys, Browns and Bills named after white men so that's "white privilege". The Giants are fat shaming. The Packers can be interpreted many ways. The 49ers symbolize corporate greed and wrecking the environment, as do the Steelers. No profiting off of endangered species! Raiders and Buccaneers promote violence. Saints are promoting religion and the Fleur de Lis was used to brand runaway slaves.

Where will it stop?[/quote]

NYCskinfan82 07-06-2020 05:43 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins

mooby 07-06-2020 05:56 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
I find it hilarious Nike is taking a stand on ethical grounds, but using cheap labor doesn't violate their moral code.

Even if the name is something dumb and generic like Warriors, I'm still gonna be rooting for this squad. I just don't think Snyder and whoever is helping him is creative enough to come up with a name that will not only wipe the slate clean, but also be good enough to make us forget about Redskins. Redskins (love it or hate it) was a unique moniker that stood out in the sports world. Look at recent history, Vegas Golden Knights? Oklahoma City Thunder? Winnipeg Jets? Houston Texans? New team names have been weak AF for a while now. We're probably gonna end up with some generic simpleton name designed to be as minimal thought-provoking as possible.

FrenchSkin 07-06-2020 06:07 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[quote=mooby;1254089]I find it hilarious Nike is taking a stand on ethical grounds, but using cheap labor doesn't violate their moral code.

Even if the name is something dumb and generic like Warriors, I'm still gonna be rooting for this squad. I just don't think Snyder and whoever is helping him is creative enough to come up with a name that will not only wipe the slate clean, but also be good enough to make us forget about Redskins. Redskins (love it or hate it) was a unique moniker that stood out in the sports world. Look at recent history, Vegas Golden Knights? Oklahoma City Thunder? Winnipeg Jets? Houston Texans? New team names have been weak AF for a while now. We're probably gonna end up with some generic simpleton name designed to be as minimal thought-provoking as possible.[/quote]

I agree and it is mind boggling to me. How a billion dollars business can't pay enough competent people to come up with a true badass name...

Hope we're proven wrong though.

MTK 07-06-2020 06:35 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
Washington Widgets

Hopefully nobody will be offended

mooby 07-06-2020 06:49 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[quote=MTK;1254094]Washington Widgets

Hopefully nobody will be offended[/quote]

As someone who is vehemently anti-widget I'm gonna start the picket line if this passes.

ram29jackson 07-06-2020 08:05 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
after a local tribe. Keep the logo though

ram29jackson 07-06-2020 08:06 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[quote=mooby;1254089]I find it hilarious Nike is taking a stand on ethical grounds, but using cheap labor doesn't violate their moral code.

Even if the name is something dumb and generic like Warriors, I'm still gonna be rooting for this squad. I just don't think Snyder and whoever is helping him is creative enough to come up with a name that will not only wipe the slate clean, but also be good enough to make us forget about Redskins. Redskins (love it or hate it) was a unique moniker that stood out in the sports world. Look at recent history, Vegas Golden Knights? Oklahoma City Thunder? Winnipeg Jets? Houston Texans? New team names have been weak AF for a while now. We're probably gonna end up with some generic simpleton name designed to be as minimal thought-provoking as possible.[/quote]

its all a show for the elie's amusement.
we are the actors who play along

punch it in 07-06-2020 08:37 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
Apparently RR is adamant about the new logo/nickname paying tribute to the military. I keep thinking Red Tails. Not the best. Not the worst. Depends on the logo.

ram29jackson 07-06-2020 08:43 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
better not change the logo

punch it in 07-06-2020 09:12 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[QUOTE=ram29jackson;1254110]better not change the logo[/QUOTE]

It is absolutely changing with the name.

punch it in 07-06-2020 09:12 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins

Jimbo 07-06-2020 09:18 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
Here’s two names.
Washington redbuds ,cause you Gotta be smoking something to change your name.

Washington turncoats, when you turn your back on your fans.

mooby 07-06-2020 09:23 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[quote=punch it in;1254109]Apparently RR is adamant about the new logo/nickname paying tribute to the military. I keep thinking Red Tails. Not the best. Not the worst. Depends on the logo.[/quote]

Washington Seal Team 6

Washington Narcos

Washington Apaches (the logo is the heli, not the tribe)

Washington Marines

Washington Sea-men

Washington Generals (we're already the laughingstock of the league, might as well own it)

Washington Black Hawks (again, the helicopters, I think the Blackhawk tribe already has a formal agreement with Chicago)

Washington Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV for short) - I kinda like this one

Washington F22 Raptors

Washington Army Rangers (or just Washington Rangers if that's what floats your boat)

Washington B2 Bombers

or Washington Redtails (honestly the more I think about it the more I want a complete break from any variation of Redskins)

SkinzWin 07-06-2020 10:59 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
Washington Foreskins? Or is that offensive to uncircumcised guys?

FrenchSkin 07-07-2020 04:26 AM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
The more I think about it, and what you guys said about it, the more I think something like Warriors, or Fighters, could be a good way to keep the colors, change the logo into a fighting man without a reference to any community, or a fist or whatever, and [I][U][B]keep the fight song[/B][/U][/I] (if Hail to the Redskins becomes Hail to the Warriors/Fighters, I don't think the rest of the lyrics could be understood as a reference to the Natives, could it ?).

I understand how keeping a reference to the Natives could backfire (even though I think there could be a way to have it be a clear and efficient tribute), so I'll let that go, but man we're one of the few NFL teams to have a [I][U]real kick ass fight song[/U][/I], I don't want to lose that !

skinsfaninok 07-07-2020 07:59 AM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
If they end up changing it to Redwolves I may not root for them lol.. No seriously that shit is corny as fuck.

Redhawks is my new favorite - The R with a feather or 2 could work
Warriors is my 2nd but only if they can keep the same logo
Redtails is Meh to me... 50/50

mooby 07-07-2020 08:18 AM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[quote=FrenchSkin;1254120]The more I think about it, and what you guys said about it, the more I think something like Warriors, or Fighters, could be a good way to keep the colors, change the logo into a fighting man without a reference to any community, or a fist or whatever, and [I][U][B]keep the fight song[/B][/U][/I] (if Hail to the Redskins becomes Hail to the Warriors/Fighters, I don't think the rest of the lyrics could be understood as a reference to the Natives, could it ?).

I understand how keeping a reference to the Natives could backfire (even though I think there could be a way to have it be a clear and efficient tribute), so I'll let that go, but man we're one of the few NFL teams to have a [I][U]real kick ass fight song[/U][/I], I don't want to lose that ![/quote]

The fight song has to go French.

Idk about you guys, but listening to "Hail to the Warriors" or "Hail to the Redtails" is not gonna have the same vibe to it. Time to retire the tune, and the name, and the logo.

FrenchSkin 07-07-2020 08:32 AM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[quote=mooby;1254132]The fight song has to go French.

Idk about you guys, but [B]listening to "Hail to the Warriors" or "Hail to the Redtails" is not gonna have the same vibe to it[/B]. Time to retire the tune, and the name, and the logo.[/quote]

I feel you but I think it's a part us refusing to let go of what we love as we know it.
But the song is great and I think keeping it would be a great way to start fresh while not throwing away the great history of this team.

MTK 07-07-2020 08:36 AM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
Flush it all, name, song, etc. Get as far away as possible from any NA related themes.

skinsfaninok 07-07-2020 08:42 AM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[quote=MTK;1254138]Flush it all, name, song, etc. Get as far away as possible from any NA related themes.[/quote]

That's why I'm thinking Redhawks because you can basically swipe that all out. With me not having any true ties to the DMV area, it really depends on how drastic they go with a re-brand... If they decide to clear all history of the Redskins and start over from scratch Idk if I'll be a fan still.. I'd just watch for the fun of it until I found a new team I like. Grew up in MS and FL before moving to Oklahoma so I could just root for the Saints or Bucs/ Miami I guess...
Have already had folks here say go with the Bills lol.

Chico23231 07-07-2020 08:48 AM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
“Redskins” regardless of the rebrand will be a part of the team now and in the future. Song...cloths and term Redskins isn’t going away. Once the org changes, that’s it. If you want to continue to cry and complain after that...then you should leave as a fan, that’s a you problem.

FrenchSkin 07-07-2020 08:51 AM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[quote=MTK;1254138]Flush it all, name, song, etc. Get as far away as possible from any NA related themes.[/quote]

I hear the get away from NA theme argument, but how is the song NA related if you remove "Redskins" ?

skinsfaninok 07-07-2020 08:54 AM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[quote=Chico23231;1254140]“Redskins” regardless of the rebrand will be a part of the team now and in the future. Song...cloths and term Redskins isn’t going away. Once the org changes, that’s it. If you want to continue to cry and complain after that...then you should leave as a fan, that’s a you problem.[/quote]

I'll always wear my skins gear , I don't care what anyone thinks. The Redskins were my first love when it came to sports and I've stuck with them for almost 30 years now.

mooby 07-07-2020 08:59 AM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
I say we change the name to Warriors, and replace the fight song with a karate montage every time we score a td.

Like this one:

BaltimoreSkins 07-07-2020 09:00 AM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[quote=skinsfaninok;1254139]That's why I'm thinking Redhawks because you can basically swipe that all out. With me not having any true ties to the DMV area, it really depends on how drastic they go with a re-brand... [B]If they decide to clear all history of the Redskins and start over from scratch[/B] Idk if I'll be a fan still.. I'd just watch for the fun of it until I found a new team I like. Grew up in MS and FL before moving to Oklahoma so I could just root for the Saints or Bucs/ Miami I guess...
Have already had folks here say go with the Bills lol.[/quote]

That would be the most Dan Snyderesque decision ever. It is funny when Irsay took the Colts from Baltimore the NFL gave them the history, SB everything, but the former players stayed in Baltimore are part of the community and part of the Ravens. The Ravens even recognize the former Baltimore Colts teams and have Colts players in the ring of honor. Bottom line that history belongs to the fans let's hope Snyder doesn't fuck that up.

MTK 07-07-2020 09:02 AM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[quote=FrenchSkin;1254141]I hear the get away from NA theme argument, but how is the song NA related if you remove "Redskins" ?[/quote]

Just saying it doesn't fit without Redskins, why keep clinging to the past? Fresh start.

FrenchSkin 07-07-2020 09:06 AM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[quote=MTK;1254145]Just saying it doesn't fit without Redskins, why keep clinging on to the past? Fresh start.[/quote]

To me it depends on the new name.

"Hail to the Warriors/Fighters
Hail victory
Braves on the Warpath
Fight for ol'DC
Run or pass and score we want a lot more
Beat'em swamp'em touchdown let the points sore
Fight on fight on till you have won, sons of Washington"

Works perfectly fine IMO.

With Redtails it'd be different, but I'm not a fan of clinging on to the "Red" in the new name.

My fear with getting rid of everything is do you trust Dan and his team to [I][U]come up with a new fight song that really rocks in a few weeks[/U][/I] ? I don't.

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