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Chico23231 08-17-2012 03:54 PM

Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
[quote=Mattyk;931390]Anyone else a little bothered by this?

[url=]Political campaign ad spending tops $500 million - First Read[/url][/quote]

[url=]Obama raises $1 billion - New York Daily News[/url]

Obama, the first time a politician raised a billion dollars. Money in politics is insane. Forefathers rolling in their graves to see what this political system has become. disgusting to say the least.

Dirtbag59 08-17-2012 04:30 PM

Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
[quote=Mattyk;931390]Anyone else a little bothered by this?

[url=]Political campaign ad spending tops $500 million - First Read[/url][/quote]

I am. You self proclaimed millionares are running for President and the two of yous combined can only scrap together a measly $500 mil? Pathetic.

Slingin Sammy 33 08-18-2012 04:43 PM

Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
[quote=12thMan;931404]I agree. I think we're reaching a point where most people are starting to tune out these ads.[/quote]I'm sure NoVA is getting hit as bad as we are down's awful, there isn't a commerical break without multiple political ads on most channels.

Slingin Sammy 33 08-18-2012 05:27 PM

Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
[quote=12thMan;931395]Simple question. Ideology aside,was there anything factually incorrect in what she said? Yes or no[/quote]Yes, several factual inaccuracies.

Cutter: Obama's plan doesn't cut benefits. Lie.
Truth: Even factcheck agrees Obama's plan will reduce benefits for those on Medicare Advantage plans.

Cutter claims Romney's plan "takes away guaranteed benefits for seniors". Flat out lie.
Truth: Romney and Ryan have said several times, their plan doesn't affect anyone under 55.

Cutter: Obama's plan extends Medicare by 8 years.....straight BS. This is likely a wild distortion from the absurd claim that under Romney/Ryan Medicare is bankrupt by 2016 and under Obama's plan it doesn't bankrupt until 2024.
Truth: CBO and many others have stated the Medicare Trust Fund will be bankrupt under Obama's plan, best case by 2024, worst case by 2020. I don't know where the hell Cutter's claim of Medicare being bankrupt by 2016 comes from.

That's a start. While I'm answering stuff....whatever happened to the Obama junk-bond loans to bankrupt green energy companies response? Don't kill yourself on it, there is no response other than "galactically corrupt".

Dirtbag59 08-18-2012 05:44 PM

Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
[quote=Slingin Sammy 33;931538]I'm sure NoVA is getting hit as bad as we are down's awful, there isn't a commerical break without multiple political ads on most channels.[/quote]

I have barely seen any ads down here in Georgia though I can imagine why. A democrat hasn't won this state since Jimmy Carter in 1980. Still I can't help but feel the Romney campaign hasn't really been on the offensive. For example I've seen much more on Twitter from Obama then Romney. Time to stop playing rope a dope and punch back.

It's also kind of funny how the election to me has kind of become a sporting event. I won't freak out if Obama is reelected as it won't be nearly as bad as people will have you believe but personally just believe Romney has more potential to get things turned around. In the end though it's pretty fun to watch.

NC_Skins 08-18-2012 07:07 PM

Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
[quote=Slingin Sammy 33;931377]You are truly the smartest guy on the board :doh:[/quote]

That honor belongs to Smoot due to his inside sources. He really is the international man of mystery.

[quote=Slingin Sammy 33;931377]Here's what I said: But of every tobacco lobby, you've got a corresponding "environmental" (read anti-capitalist) or union lobby.[/quote]

I interpret that sentence as........."For every business lobby out there, you have a corresponding environmental and labor union with it." Now, if that wasn't what you were implying, I humbly apologize and retract.

[quote=Slingin Sammy 33;931377]Perhaps you should not just throw up specific industries that lobby but look at who controls the specific firms within that sector. What you'll find is that the balance is relatively even between contributions to D & R. What I didn't mention (but obviously should have) is PAC contributions and lobbying while different technically still have the same pay for influence. When you look at PAC numbers under Labor their contributions are significant and overwhelmingly Dem.

I couldn't even find Phillip Morris or what I recognize as a tobacco lobby listed in the Top Spenders. But I did find GE (big Obama supporter) listed #2 in spending, along with the AMA and AARP.

So anyway, as usual, it is you who don't get it.[/quote]

See, this is the part you don't get and why I said you don't get it. Where in my post did I mention anything about democrat or republican? Yet, you are up here chirping about lobbying spending big dough to Obama and the Dems. You are so caught up in your conservatives vs liberal war, you don't even see the avalanche coming down the slope and its coming from both parties. (or maybe you do see it and continue to support it??) Corporate America owns you. I posted the link you need to see and hear, and yet you haven't commented one bit on the status of campaign financing and big money lobbyists.

That said, Union and Environmental lobbying spending is a drop in the bucket compared to corporate spending, which is why you see Unions being snuffed out via legislation.

Also, you should probably view this in case you missed it. A interview with a lobbyist talking about how corrupt and F'd the system is. (applies to both sides of the fence)

[url=]Confessions of a lobbyist - Video on[/url]

NC_Skins 08-18-2012 07:09 PM

Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
Very relevant.


CRedskinsRule 08-18-2012 07:43 PM

[QUOTE=NC_Skins;931558]Very relevant.


That truly sums up my feelings

Giantone 08-19-2012 08:47 AM

Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
[quote=Slingin Sammy 33;931387]:laughing2

This video is complete crap and nothing more than scare tactics targeted at seniors.

Really, I mean really,someone from the right who thinks Glenn Beck is God has the balls to say this about the Dems???Sammy before any republican says this ,....they need a good long look in a mirror!

Giantone 08-19-2012 08:52 AM

Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
[quote=Mattyk;931390]Anyone else a little bothered by this?

[URL=""]Political campaign ad spending tops $500 million - First Read[/URL][/quote]

......yes, specially when you take into account that people aren't watching the ads.People have had enough,remotes are getting great workouts ,both sidea are bad and all this money could do for the greater good elsewhere.

Giantone 08-19-2012 11:38 AM

Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
So ,Sammy is this a scare tactic?People need to watch the vidio!

[url=]Weekly Address: Congress Should Back Plan to Hire Teachers - YouTube[/url]#!

12thMan 08-19-2012 11:56 AM

Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
[quote=Slingin Sammy 33;931542]Yes, several factual inaccuracies.

Cutter: Obama's plan doesn't cut benefits. Lie.
Truth: Even factcheck agrees Obama's plan will reduce benefits for those on Medicare Advantage plans.

Cutter claims Romney's plan "takes away guaranteed benefits for seniors". Flat out lie.
Truth: Romney and Ryan have said several times, their plan doesn't affect anyone under 55.

Cutter: Obama's plan extends Medicare by 8 years.....straight BS. This is likely a wild distortion from the absurd claim that under Romney/Ryan Medicare is bankrupt by 2016 and under Obama's plan it doesn't bankrupt until 2024.
Truth: CBO and many others have stated the Medicare Trust Fund will be bankrupt under Obama's plan, best case by 2024, worst case by 2020. I don't know where the hell Cutter's claim of Medicare being bankrupt by 2016 comes from.

That's a start. While I'm answering stuff....whatever happened to the Obama junk-bond loans to bankrupt green energy companies response? Don't kill yourself on it, there is no response other than "galactically corrupt".[/quote]

I'll take CBOs word over Politifact everyday of the week. And if you believe that it's true that Obama cut Medicare benefits to seniors, I can't have a Medicare debate with you. We can debate about other things, but this conversation is a non-starter.

It's not the patients that have benefits cut, it's the providers. Here's a link from CBS: That myth has been debunked by every major news outlet for the past week. Center, left and right -- they've all clarified and made the point clear.$716b-medicare-cut-attack-is-dubious/

Another article in today's New York Times. Please read this.


It's also a fact, every independent study shows that Medicare's solvency has been increased by 8 years.

Again, I think because you want something to be true, then in your mind it's true. That's not how it works, Slingin'

12thMan 08-19-2012 12:15 PM

Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
As far as the junk bond loans to the risky green energy companies. I'll say the same thing I said about Solyndra, the energy portfolio has wildly under performed and has been a disappointment. Cronyism at work? Sure, maybe. Can't say for sure. "Corrupt" or illegal, I highly doubt that. Not with a Republican Congress itching to hang any scandal around Obama's neck every chance they get. If there was any impropriety, I'm 100% confident Darrell Issa would be on TV 24/7 bringing attention to it and having officials testify before Congress. The fact that he hasn't would give me pause if I were accusing the Administration of doing shady backroom deals. But that's just me.

I think if you dig deeper into the failures behind these companies they just couldn't compete with green companies abroad, namely China, and we started to pouring money into a black hole.

Dirtbag59 08-19-2012 04:57 PM

Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
[quote=NC_Skins;931558]Very relevant.


Seems like a perfect segway to post a song from the greatest band of all time.

Slingin Sammy 33 08-19-2012 07:32 PM

Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
[quote=12thMan;931922]I'll take CBOs word over Politifact everyday of the week. And if you believe that it's true that Obama cut Medicare benefits to seniors, I can't have a Medicare debate with you. We can debate about other things, but this conversation is a non-starter. [/quote]Please understand what I'm saying, the cuts to Medicare providers (not "greedy insurance companies", but docs & hospitals) will result in providers either closing or not taking Medicare patients. If that's not a reduction in services (benefits) to seniors, particularly in rural areas, I don't know what is.

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