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MonkFan4Life 05-30-2007 11:18 AM

Re: Report: Lohan Checks Into Malibu Rehab Center
First of all congradulations Malcolm ! No bullshit ! Been married for 8 months and I love it! Second you and Art THANK YOU FOR POINTING OUT THE OBVIOUS. Wasn't she like 15 when she wen't to rehab the first time ? These kids get drunk and plastered yet not one club/bar loses a license ? I really don't understand that. This girl has been drunk for the past 5 years and nothing has happened. Every month it's a new photo from a new club at a new party for another new news story about some old shit. Yet and still the club is still open for the next new photo and the .... I have work to do but you get the point. Damn I should've been an actor.

SmootSmack 07-24-2007 10:39 AM

Re: Report: Lohan Checks Into Malibu Rehab Center
Well, looks like here we go again. If true, she's just destroying her life. Sad, really

[url=]Lohan booked on suspicion of DUI - Yahoo! News[/url]

BigSKINBauer 07-24-2007 10:41 AM

Re: Report: Lohan Checks Into Malibu Rehab Center
haha, just posted this in the SHFT one minute after you. Fits better here.

That is funny. What an idiot.

BDBohnzie 07-24-2007 11:54 AM

Re: Report: Lohan Checks Into Malibu Rehab Center
They should throw her ass in the slammer...

ArtMonkDrillz 07-24-2007 12:01 PM

Re: Report: Lohan Checks Into Malibu Rehab Center
[QUOTE=BDBohnzie;332349]They should throw her ass in the slammer...[/QUOTE]
Then she could star in the remake of the 1970's classic Caged Heat.

JoeRedskin 07-24-2007 12:01 PM

Re: Report: Lohan Checks Into Malibu Rehab Center
Wow. Felony coke possesion. And it's not like she can say - gee, I don't know how it got into MY PANTS' POCKET.

What a frigging idiot. She may actually end up doing some serious time on this one - not the 30 day catch and release the did on Hilton.

Then again, WHY DO I CARE?!?!? I admit it, I don't understand my own fascination with these dumb ass celebutantes (Hilton, Lohan, Simpson, Spears). AM I THAT SHALLOW???

Yes. Yes I am.

SmootSmack 07-24-2007 12:11 PM

Re: Report: Lohan Checks Into Malibu Rehab Center
You don't see Hillary Duff getting into these messes. Respect for the Duff

ArtMonkDrillz 07-24-2007 12:24 PM

Re: Report: Lohan Checks Into Malibu Rehab Center
ON a similar note, my coworker just read that Britney Spears might be pregnant again, so there's that.

Perhaps this deserves it's own thread.

Edit: This might have been reported in jest.

ArtMonkDrillz 07-24-2007 12:28 PM

Re: Report: Lohan Checks Into Malibu Rehab Center
DO WHAT?!?!?

BigSKINBauer 07-24-2007 12:34 PM

Re: Report: Lohan Checks Into Malibu Rehab Center
[quote=SmootSmack;332362]You don't see Hillary Duff getting into these messes. Respect for the Duff[/quote]was hillary duff nearly as famous as the rest of these clowns though? I think being so famous gets to their heads a little. Dumb bitches.

FRPLG 07-24-2007 12:34 PM

Re: Report: Lohan Checks Into Malibu Rehab Center
[QUOTE=ArtMonkDrillz;332365]ON a similar note, my coworker just read that Britney Spears might be pregnant again, so there's that.

Perhaps this deserves it's own thread.[/QUOTE]

Good news. One more doomed kid. I don't think the world has enough of them.

JoeRedskin 07-24-2007 12:38 PM

Re: Report: Lohan Checks Into Malibu Rehab Center

A - You did what with my coke??

B - It's illegal to do what?

C - And you are.....?

D - I could end up where?

SmootSmack 07-24-2007 01:07 PM

Re: Report: Lohan Checks Into Malibu Rehab Center
The only reason these other girls are more well known is because of their "extra-curricular acitivities" Apart from that, Duff is just as famous as any of the rest of the them. Lizze McGuire. What!

Sheriff Gonna Getcha 07-24-2007 01:18 PM

Re: Report: Lohan Checks Into Malibu Rehab Center
I honestly don't know why guys find her attractive. She's above average if you're walking down the street, but she's definately not hot by Hollywood standards. I guess I've never been into the whole "ginger kids" look. My ass crack could be made to look hot if it had a personal makeup artist and an airbrush.

JoeRedskin 07-24-2007 01:55 PM

Re: Report: Lohan Checks Into Malibu Rehab Center
[QUOTE=Sheriff Gonna Getcha;332391] My ass crack could be made to look hot if it had a personal makeup artist and an airbrush.[/QUOTE]

A mental picture I did not need right after lunch.

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