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FrenchSkin 07-05-2020 10:45 AM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[quote=BaltimoreSkins;1253860]To me it will be viewed as appropriation either way. The backlash in our society of a member of the wealthy in the United States "buying" the rights to name a team after a minority group would not stand. Even if there is an agreement between a tribal nation that agrees to it. You would see continued financial boycott from investors that would perceive this as exploitation. DC would still hold up a stadium deal. If that was to happen it should have happened already.[/quote]

Maybe I'm just hanging on to a ideal scenario where it could be possible to have it work for everybody, starting with the Natives... From the start I just liked the idea that Natives were represented and honored in the biggest sport of America... Heck anyway I don't have much say in it and I will get along with what ever happens.

v8-7 07-05-2020 10:52 AM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
Washington Generals ? who wouldn't want to be named after a team that never won a game and was made fools of on a regular basis ?

Not to mention the team would have to pay for the naming rights ?[url][/url]

Why would we want to keep honoring native Americans who have blown this thing up despite 90% of the native Americans not being offended by the name in the last poll I have seen ( 2018 ) ?

The Redskins have given millions to native American tribes.

Time to bow down to the liberal pressure ..

Maybe we could be the "Washington Woke "

I'm sure some we fans could find a suitable mascot..

punch it in 07-05-2020 11:16 AM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[QUOTE=v8-7;1253863]Washington Generals ? who wouldn't want to be named after a team that never won a game and was made fools of on a regular basis ?

Not to mention the team would have to pay for the naming rights ?[url][/url]

Why would we want to keep honoring native Americans who have blown this thing up despite 90% of the native Americans not being offended by the name in the last poll I have seen ( 2018 ) ?

The Redskins have given millions to native American tribes.

Time to bow down to the liberal pressure ..

Maybe we could be the "Washington Woke "

I'm sure some we fans could find a suitable mascot..[/QUOTE]

Oh God. This name change thing is really bringing the good ole boys (aka the idiots) out of the woodwork. Yea it is the liberals dude. Probably Obama and the deep state sending mobs of domestic terrorists to Snyders door right now as we speak!

MTK 07-05-2020 11:33 AM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[quote=BaltimoreSkins;1253860]To me it will be viewed as appropriation either way. The backlash in our society of a member of the wealthy in the United States "buying" the rights to name a team after a minority group would not stand. Even if there is an agreement between a tribal nation that agrees to it. You would see continued financial boycott from investors that would perceive this as exploitation. DC would still hold up a stadium deal. If that was to happen it should have happened already.[/quote]


They need to get as far away from any direct correlation to NA as possible or this issue will only continue to fester.

ArizonaSkinFan 07-05-2020 11:58 AM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
Agree with all saying to get away from any association with native Americans. Its a shame in my opinion but it is what it is. If they go with Presidents, Monuments, etc. I will be very disappointed.

Red Tails is really growing on me.

EdmundDorf 07-05-2020 12:22 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
Apparently Rivera is deeply involved and has two names in mind...... I thinking the Riverboats or Ronettes 😄

mredskins 07-05-2020 12:22 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
DC Defenders?

MTK 07-05-2020 12:26 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
I like Revolution or Renegades, and we can still use the R logos

v8-7 07-05-2020 12:28 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
Dear Mr punch it in, Please change your name as I find the word "punch" to be too violent.

Warthog 07-05-2020 01:51 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
Rivera wants something that honors the military.

Snyder wants a Native American theme.

I thought the RED TAILS was cool, honoring a famous Air Force unit in WWII. But no Native American ties to it.

I think WARRIORS or BRAVES is kind of generic AND already taken in other sports

I could go with MOHAWK or CHEYENNE because these were famous, warrior tribes. But no military ties , except the Cheyenne tribe fought the US Army in the 19th century!

I think it will be hard to come up with a name with a Native American theme AND a MILITARY or Veteran theme. One or the other.

I’d either like RED TAILS or MOHAWKS (Eastern U.S. tribe).

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

JackLord 07-05-2020 02:06 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[quote=SkinzWin;1253831]I don’t want a name that is already another franchise name. See the Golden state warriors of the NBA.

I like the Redhawks.

Personally a fan of the Atlanta Braves, but again don’t want to share a team name.

Hogs is a terrible name.

I still say Washington Renegades should be strongly considered and use the Redskins “R” logo.[/quote]

Renegades reminds me of the USFL.

I hear you about sharing a name, but the Skins were the Boston Braves and shared their stadium with the Boston Braves baseball team. They switched to Redskins- much to the chagrin of the latter day sjws- because they moved to Fenway and shared with the Red Sox.

I doubt anyone would confuse us with the NBA Warriors.

So, RedHawks it is.

Giantone 07-05-2020 02:19 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins

BaltimoreSkins 07-05-2020 02:29 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins

They need to get as far away from any direct correlation to NA as possible or this issue will only continue to fester.[/quote]

The question is will Dan listen to reason. I can see him saying "but we are honoring them" as his argument and not seeing the forest for the trees. Like I said this will be his defining legacy.

Screw it up and he will be known as the perpetual loser that defended racist and racist jr. monikers. Do this right and his legacy may very well become positive.

Chico23231 07-05-2020 02:30 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[quote=Giantone;1253894][B]RED TAILS or SENATORS[/B][/quote]

Fuck both those.

SFREDSKIN 07-05-2020 03:40 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
Redcrows with a logo like the one in this link:


Skinsfanatic 07-05-2020 04:04 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
Personally I like Red Tails.

But, here is one for you: The [freedom] Riders.


Use the R Logo.

oldfan 07-05-2020 04:14 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
I think the name redtails is embarrassing. Can you imagine the headlines after Washington looses to some one? "Washington's tails are red after getting beat by (insert another team name.)

I would prefer warriors.

JackLord 07-05-2020 04:14 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[quote=BaltimoreSkins;1253896]The question is will Dan listen to reason. I can see him saying "but we are honoring them" as his argument and not seeing the forest for the trees. Like I said this will be his defining legacy.

Screw it up and he will be known as the perpetual loser that defended racist and racist jr. monikers. Do this right and his legacy may very well become positive.[/quote]

I have always thought, "honoring them" was a pretty hollow claim. I realize it is the obvious retort to "disparaging them", but Dan should never have made that his basis.

Honestly, we Americans and a good chunk of the world have always been fascinated by the indigenous peoples of North America. Indians are Cool. The imagery is intoxicating.

As for his legacy, Dan has had several second chances and tends to scuttle them after showing promise.

Chico23231 07-05-2020 04:18 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[quote=oldfan;1253906]I think the name redtails is embarrassing. Can you imagine the headlines after Washington looses to some one? "Washington's tails are red after getting beat by (insert another team name.)

I would prefer warriors.[/quote] just doesn’t sound good. Sounds super lame

Pervis_Griffith 07-05-2020 04:24 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[quote=Chico23231;1253909] just doesn’t sound good. Sounds super lame[/quote]

Agreed on Red Tails.

Name for the Tuskeegee Airmen?? awesome.

Name for a football franchise?? Sucks ass.

What would the Redskinette cheerleaders be called? The Split Tails?

I'm not a fan of the Warriors ... but I have a feeling this will be the name. Doesn't Danny boy already own the copy rights to this?

Meks 07-05-2020 04:36 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
D.C. Natives

mooby 07-05-2020 04:43 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[quote=Meks;1253912]D.C. Natives[/quote]

Might as well call them the DC Spearchuckers. You telling me Native Americans are gonna protest Indians but not Natives?

BaltimoreSkins 07-05-2020 04:45 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[quote=oldfan;1253906]I think the name redtails is embarrassing. Can you imagine the headlines after Washington looses to some one? "Washington's tails are red after getting beat by (insert another team name.)

I would prefer warriors.[/quote]

You mean like this?

Giantone 07-05-2020 04:46 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[quote=Chico23231;1253897]Fuck both those.[/quote]

LOL, they way you're going take one of those two to the bank!

BaltimoreSkins 07-05-2020 04:58 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[quote=JackLord;1253907]I have always thought, "honoring them" was a pretty hollow claim. I realize it is the obvious retort to "disparaging them", but Dan should never have made that his basis.

Honestly, we Americans and a good chunk of the world have always been fascinated by the indigenous peoples of North America. Indians are Cool. The imagery is intoxicating.

As for his legacy, Dan has had several second chances and tends to scuttle them after showing promise.[/quote]

It is nice knowing Ron Rivera is there and there is an adult at the table but to piggy back on what you said that is a classic Dan move. RR has been here for a cup of coffee and he is having input. I am assuming Gibbs is being asked for advice, maybe? IDK

sdskinsfan2001 07-05-2020 05:25 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
If we're not going with a Native American name/reference and are looking for a military reference I like:

Washington Veterans
Washington Commanders
Washington Mustangs

Meks 07-05-2020 05:28 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[quote=mooby;1253913]Might as well call them the DC Spearchuckers. You telling me Native Americans are gonna protest Indians but not Natives?[/quote]

It was mainly sarcasm haha,just has a nice ring unfortunately it would never fly

NM Redskin 07-05-2020 05:31 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
What do think the odds of going from Washington to DC are?

skinsfanmdc 07-05-2020 06:59 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
When this team is winning, fans will wear whatever gear with whatever name Snyder comes up with.

skinsfanmdc 07-05-2020 07:01 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
Didn't Snyder trademark Washington Warriors?

skinsfanmdc 07-05-2020 07:02 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
Snyder needs to pick a name he wants. Rivera won't be in Washington years and years from now.

skinsfanmdc 07-05-2020 07:02 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[quote=mredskins;1253877]DC Defenders?[/quote]
Would love that.

skinsfanmdc 07-05-2020 07:04 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[quote=skinsfaninok;1253817]Warriors or RedHawks.

Dan wants to keep the colors and logo so that would work.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk[/quote]
Ooh redhawks. I like that one.

CrustyRedskin 07-05-2020 07:12 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
How about Washington Liberal Trash, man that has a great ring to it. :Smoker:

oldfan 07-05-2020 07:15 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
I have been a Washington football fan since 1945 when Turk Edwards gave me an autographed football. He became the head coach in 1946. To me, it doesn't really matter what the team name is. It will still always be the Redskins in my mind.

skinsfaninok 07-05-2020 07:26 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
Fred Smoot also thinks "Warriors" is the way to go but also likes Redtails and Redhawks

punch it in 07-05-2020 07:54 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[QUOTE=v8-7;1253879]Dear Mr punch it in, Please change your name as I find the word "punch" to be too violent.[/QUOTE]

Stfu before I send the deep state to confiscate your maga hats...

mredskins 07-05-2020 07:58 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[quote=skinsfaninok;1253934]Fred Smoot also thinks "Warriors" is the way to go but also likes Redtails and Redhawks[/quote]

Welcome back!

skinsfaninok 07-05-2020 08:12 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[quote=mredskins;1253936]Welcome back![/quote]

Been around a little but just got back from Florida for the last week.

2 week Quarantine now...

Chico23231 07-05-2020 09:19 PM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[quote=skinsfaninok;1253934]Fred Smoot also thinks "Warriors" is the way to go but also likes Redtails and Redhawks[/quote]

So when I hear Red Hawk or Red Tail...seems like a cheap take on the Redskins. Like for needs to be something completely new, not a knock off brand of Redskins.

That’s just me...Warriors just makes too much sense

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