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joecrisp 03-28-2005 10:06 PM

Re: guidance on flag football
[QUOTE=angryssg]You must have been playing with a bunch of guys that have not evolved the flag game as much as we have. When I said that the QB made up modt of the yards, I meant it. There is much more defense in the flag that I play. Players do not get open often, and the QB has no choice but to try and scramble, but because of the limitations of the O line in flag, he doesnt have anywhere to go. However, every once in a while he breaks free. Often games are decided by 1 or 2 scores and if a total of 25 points were scored. It was a high scoring game. 13-12[/QUOTE]

Yeah, in the league I played in, coverage was tight, but there was usually at least one guy open enough that it was a better bet for the QB to pass it than to tuck it and run.

Don't get me wrong, though-- we had our share of Michael Vick wannabes, too-- but most defenses were able to keep those guys relatively in-check and force them to pass the ball.

Like I said, the best offenses in our league used a quick, efficient, West Coast-style offense to dink-and-dunk their way down the field. It doesn't mean the coverage sucked, it just means they ran a good offense.

MTK 03-28-2005 10:07 PM

Re: guidance on flag football
[QUOTE=TAFKAS]Depending on how much room we have on the fields maybe we should have a handful of Warpath teams (and Extremeskins teams, etc.) so this way more people get a chance to play[/QUOTE]

I was thinking the same thing, maybe an A team and a B team or something.

MTK 03-28-2005 10:08 PM

Re: guidance on flag football
One thing that I always thought was really key to flag football was having a quality QB.

Seems like whoever had the good QBs went really far, and a good O-line is nice of course.

Is there anyone here that is seriously a good QB??

Gmanc711 03-28-2005 10:44 PM

Re: guidance on flag football
[QUOTE=Mattyk72] Is there anyone here that is seriously a good QB??[/QUOTE]

Depends what you're lookin for. I'm very accurate and can throw some really nice balls, but I dont have really good arm strenth. Therefore I'll hang up alot of balls that are more than like 15-20 yards. I'm sure there is someone here that is better than I am, I wouldnt say I'm good, but I'm not bad if we have no other options.

MTK 03-29-2005 08:15 AM

Re: guidance on flag football
[QUOTE=Gmanc711]Depends what you're lookin for. I'm very accurate and can throw some really nice balls, but I dont have really good arm strenth. Therefore I'll hang up alot of balls that are more than like 15-20 yards. I'm sure there is someone here that is better than I am, I wouldnt say I'm good, but I'm not bad if we have no other options.[/QUOTE]

Do you wear a glove?


Gmanc711 03-29-2005 08:28 AM

Re: guidance on flag football
[QUOTE=Mattyk72]Do you wear a glove?


Danny Wurfell is my hero!!! OF COURSE I WEAR A GLOVE!! :laughing2

TheMalcolmConnection 03-29-2005 09:06 AM

Re: guidance on flag football
Hahahahaha! I had completely forgotten (and by forgotten I mean repressed) about that!!

MTK 03-29-2005 09:21 AM

Re: guidance on flag football
gmanc711 just might be our cheap and available option at QB, LOL

TheMalcolmConnection 03-29-2005 09:23 AM

Re: guidance on flag football
Let's remember to stick to our guns and not overpay him.

Gmanc, we can only offer you .5 mil with incentives based on your health.

If you want to visit other teams, feel free, but please give us an answer soon.

That Guy 03-29-2005 09:25 AM

Re: guidance on flag football
we can just have tryouts in the first practice if it goes through, and assign positions by merit there etc...

TheMalcolmConnection 03-29-2005 09:30 AM

Re: guidance on flag football
Definitely. I believe we're going to have to have people take a few days off of work to stay in the DC area while this thing goes down.

SmootSmack 03-29-2005 10:24 AM

Re: guidance on flag football
With a K2 or a Nerf I'm freakin Joe Montana...otherwise my hands are just too small

FRPLG 03-29-2005 11:10 AM

Re: guidance on flag football
[QUOTE=angryssg]I never thought that I would be saying this to a civilian. I work on salary and get paid whether I am hurt, or not, able to show up to work, or not. The funny thing is that you make more money than I do.

You must have been playing with a bunch of guys that have not evolved the flag game as much as we have. When I said that the QB made up modt of the yards, I meant it. There is much more defense in the flag that I play. Players do not get open often, and the QB has no choice but to try and scramble, but because of the limitations of the O line in flag, he doesnt have anywhere to go. However, every once in a while he breaks free. Often games are decided by 1 or 2 scores and if a total of 25 points were scored. It was a high scoring game. 13-12[/QUOTE]
How stringent were you guys on contact? I have played in several leagues and the level of contact allowed changed the game completely. Each league I have been in was a 7-7 league with basically no contact whatsoever. The blocking schemes are basically boxing out like in basketball. That makes blocking extremely difficult and and getting to the qb pretty easy. The games were all predicated on short passing. We looked at a lot like the SKins of last year. Tons of WR screens and HB flats. If players are not allowed to touch at all(I mean AT ALL) then that tends to mitigate the running of the QB greatly. Still, a team with a good mobile QB does have a distinct advantage much like in regular football.

MTK 03-29-2005 11:31 AM

Re: guidance on flag football
I've played in leagues and the contact was pretty significant. You couldn't tackle obviously, but we had our share of penalties for that. ;)

You also couldn't block below the waist, but other than that anything goes.

BDBohnzie 03-29-2005 12:12 PM

Re: guidance on flag football
I played both Intramural at college, and in a co-rec league here in MoCo...

both were 8 on 8, both were all eligible.

In college, we played 3 line, 4 receiver, QB in shotgun. and as a lineman, I probably led the team in receptions. I would always block and release. We could use our hands to block, and I never once got called for holding in 3 years. We weren't that good, and a scrambling QB with a good arm is a definte need.

In Co-Rec, you had to have 4 and 4 on the field at the same time. We used 2 receivers, 3 linemen, 2 fullbacks and a QB. our line was always females, one male fullback, one female fullback, male QB and WRs. i always played fullback, and would again, block and release out to the flats. the biggest thing about co-rec was that the men could not initiate contact with the women, so when blocking women, the guys always had their hands behind their backs. i would always widen my stance when blocking a woman, as to make it tougher to go around. however, i would knock guys out of the way when i 2 years, I had trouble with one guy. he was 6'4", 225-240, quick and strong. jammed my shoulder pretty good that day...

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