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skins89moss 09-13-2009 08:37 AM

Re: Happy Redskins day everyone! (game 1 of the new 2009 season)
Thats great Skinfan4life. I'm a former Marine MOS 0351 E-4 did 4 years from 1984-1988. I feel the same way I refuse to miss a Redskins game God Willing. Enjoy the game and be safe bro.

Chico23231 09-13-2009 08:38 AM

Re: Happy Redskins day everyone! (game 1 of the new 2009 season)
Today just feels different. Beautiful, cool Sunday morning in VA, let the lab puppy out to run around and the coffee just taste better this morning. Its nice to be single again during the start of football season cause I dont have to make up a line excuses of why I cant do anything today, my only decisions will be chicken wings or ribs; sam adams or sierra will be a great day. Been invited to a Giants fan house for the game, its been painful in the past to be there...all the crushing defeats in the past, plus I witness him win the superbowl there a couple years ago..but today it feels different think I will go b/c I dont think I will be the one yelling at the TV...god, the first games at 1:00 suck

JLW428 09-13-2009 08:45 AM

Re: Happy Redskins day everyone! (game 1 of the new 2009 season)
I'm pumped. I couldnt even sleep last night. GO SKINS!


Ruhskins 09-13-2009 09:23 AM

Re: Happy Redskins day everyone! (game 1 of the new 2009 season)
Happy Redskins Day my fellow Redskins Fans. May the Burgundy & Gold score a big win for us. HTTR!!!

dmek25 09-13-2009 10:27 AM

Re: Happy Redskins day everyone! (game 1 of the new 2009 season)
skinsfan4life, its great you will be able to watch. and thanks for what your doing over there. make it back safely

53Fan 09-13-2009 10:53 AM

Re: Happy Redskins day everyone! (game 1 of the new 2009 season)
[quote=dmek25;587338]skinsfan4life, its great you will be able to watch. and thanks for what your doing over there. make it back safely[/quote]

Absolutely! I second that!

Mechanix544 09-13-2009 12:36 PM

Re: Happy Redskins day everyone! (game 1 of the new 2009 season)
AWWWWW YEAH!!!! Lets get it on!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kick the Giants ASSES!!!!!!!

SkinFan4Life 09-13-2009 12:49 PM

Re: Happy Redskins day everyone! (game 1 of the new 2009 season)
Hey guys thanks for the kind words....this is my 3rd season being deployed so I scheduled my R&R leave during the time of the Super Bowl this our team needs to do their part and make it there. HTTR!

CooleyFanOV 09-13-2009 12:55 PM

Re: Happy Redskins day everyone! (game 1 of the new 2009 season)
[quote=SkinFan4Life;587313]Im currently deployed to Afghanistan right now and you dont know how jacked I was early in the week when I learned they would be showing the game on TV here....I have to wake up at midnight thirty to watch it but I'll be damned if anything will keep me from watching my 'Skins!!!! HTTR![/quote]
Well I think the Skins will bring you and your fellow service men and women some real joy today..its a great day for all americans and I like to take the time to thank your for sacrifice and dedication to your country. People like make days like this possible...Thanks again and be safe....thank your family for all of us! Enjoy the game!

saden1 09-13-2009 01:14 PM

Re: Happy Redskins day everyone! (game 1 of the new 2009 season)
It is a glorious day! Probably the best day of the year. Hail to the Redskins! Hip-hip Hooray!

The Goat 09-13-2009 01:25 PM

Re: Happy Redskins day everyone! (game 1 of the new 2009 season)

Happy Skins Day to everyone and a big thanks to Matty and all the mods for making this such a great "hangout."

Skinny Tee 09-13-2009 01:32 PM

Re: Happy Redskins day everyone! (game 1 of the new 2009 season)
Happy Redskins Day!

NYCskinfan82 09-13-2009 04:12 PM

Re: Happy Redskins day everyone! (game 1 of the new 2009 season)
[quote=Hog1;587303]A little history:

[url=]redskin fight song - Google Videos[/url]

[B]Modern Version[/B]
Hail to the Redskins !
Hail to victory !
Braves on the war path !
Fight for old D.C !
Run or pass and score,
We want a lot more !
Beat em, Swamp em, Touchdown,
Let the points soar !
Fight on... Fight On...
Til you have won,
Sons of Washington !

[B]Original Version[/B]
Hail to the Redskins !
Hail to victory !
Braves on the war path !
[COLOR="Red"]Fight for old Dixie [/COLOR]!
Scalp em, Swamp em,
We will take em big score !
Read em, Weep em Touchdown,
We want heaps more !
Fight on... Fight On...
Til you have won,
Sons of Washington ![/quote]

Thanks for the up date, damm i left out a lot of lines.

jsarno 09-13-2009 04:59 PM

Re: Happy Redskins day everyone! (game 1 of the new 2009 season)
i love redskins day!!!

SkinDogg 09-13-2009 05:01 PM

Re: Happy Redskins day everyone! (game 1 of the new 2009 season)
[quote=artmonkforhallofamein07;587171]I think you may should have waited a day. I feel like its the night before christmas when I was a kid. You know that anxious feeling where your not sure what you're going to get. I can hardly wait for the next 25 hours and 48 minutes to get here. I hope I get what I want, and not another shirt I want a big shiny new toy![/quote]

Still opening shirts from Grandma? Sorry, it's still 10-zip.

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