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skinsfaninok 07-07-2020 09:54 AM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[quote=Chico23231;1254140]“Redskins” regardless of the rebrand will be a part of the team now and in the future. Song...cloths and term Redskins isn’t going away. Once the org changes, that’s it. If you want to continue to cry and complain after that...then you should leave as a fan, that’s a you problem.[/quote]

I'll always wear my skins gear , I don't care what anyone thinks. The Redskins were my first love when it came to sports and I've stuck with them for almost 30 years now.

mooby 07-07-2020 09:59 AM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
I say we change the name to Warriors, and replace the fight song with a karate montage every time we score a td.

Like this one:

BaltimoreSkins 07-07-2020 10:00 AM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[quote=skinsfaninok;1254139]That's why I'm thinking Redhawks because you can basically swipe that all out. With me not having any true ties to the DMV area, it really depends on how drastic they go with a re-brand... [B]If they decide to clear all history of the Redskins and start over from scratch[/B] Idk if I'll be a fan still.. I'd just watch for the fun of it until I found a new team I like. Grew up in MS and FL before moving to Oklahoma so I could just root for the Saints or Bucs/ Miami I guess...
Have already had folks here say go with the Bills lol.[/quote]

That would be the most Dan Snyderesque decision ever. It is funny when Irsay took the Colts from Baltimore the NFL gave them the history, SB everything, but the former players stayed in Baltimore are part of the community and part of the Ravens. The Ravens even recognize the former Baltimore Colts teams and have Colts players in the ring of honor. Bottom line that history belongs to the fans let's hope Snyder doesn't fuck that up.

MTK 07-07-2020 10:02 AM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[quote=FrenchSkin;1254141]I hear the get away from NA theme argument, but how is the song NA related if you remove "Redskins" ?[/quote]

Just saying it doesn't fit without Redskins, why keep clinging to the past? Fresh start.

FrenchSkin 07-07-2020 10:06 AM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[quote=MTK;1254145]Just saying it doesn't fit without Redskins, why keep clinging on to the past? Fresh start.[/quote]

To me it depends on the new name.

"Hail to the Warriors/Fighters
Hail victory
Braves on the Warpath
Fight for ol'DC
Run or pass and score we want a lot more
Beat'em swamp'em touchdown let the points sore
Fight on fight on till you have won, sons of Washington"

Works perfectly fine IMO.

With Redtails it'd be different, but I'm not a fan of clinging on to the "Red" in the new name.

My fear with getting rid of everything is do you trust Dan and his team to [I][U]come up with a new fight song that really rocks in a few weeks[/U][/I] ? I don't.

mooby 07-07-2020 10:19 AM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
They ain't gonna let Braves on the Warpath fly Frenchie. And do we really want a new fight song with a bunch of tweaks to satisfy the pc crowd, or do we just want a new song to go with our new identity?

Chico23231 07-07-2020 10:27 AM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[quote=mooby;1254149]They ain't gonna let Braves on the Warpath fly Frenchie. And do we really want a new fight song with a bunch of tweaks to satisfy the pc crowd, or do we just want a new song to go with our new identity?[/quote]

Identify “they” taking about the team/org?

mooby 07-07-2020 10:46 AM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[quote=Chico23231;1254150]Identify “they” taking about the team/org?[/quote]

Anybody protesting the name.

FrenchSkin 07-07-2020 10:48 AM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[quote=mooby;1254149][B]They ain't gonna let Braves on the Warpath fly [/B]Frenchie. And do we really want a new fight song with a bunch of tweaks to satisfy the pc crowd, or do we just want a new song to go with our new identity?[/quote]

Ok... maybe something gets lost in translation there because I really didn't think that would be perceived as a NA reference. A Warrior can be brave on the warpath without being a Native American, can't he ?

The thing is, I'm a fast learner and would happily learn a new fight song in a couple of hours... But I have no trust in Dan and his team to come up with a new fight song that rocks in a couple of weeks.
Because they haven't shown anything to earn that trust. And because the amount of work they'll have to do to rebrand everything on time for the start of the season is mind blowing.

mooby 07-07-2020 10:50 AM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[quote=FrenchSkin;1254152]Ok... maybe something gets lost in translation there because I really didn't think that would be perceived as a NA reference. A Warrior can be brave on the warpath without being a Native American, can't he ?

The thing is, I'm a fast learner and would happily learn a new fight song in a couple of hours... But I have no trust in Dan and his team to come up with a new fight song that rocks in a couple of weeks.
Because they haven't shown anything to earn that trust. And because the amount of work they'll have to do to rebrand everything on time for the start of the season is mind blowing.[/quote]

I agree on your last point but apparently they've been working on this for a month already. Obviously they got some sort of indication ahead of time with everything going on since Floyd was murdered.

Monkeydad 07-07-2020 10:57 AM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[quote=VTSkins1961;1254086]I like you top 3 picks but I have mine in a different order. - I think as much as I hate this that besides the name change there will need to be a logo change. I don't like the Red Tails though because it could bring up more protests. Saw that logo you were talking about and I'm not a fan of it but maybe because I just don't want a name change....- just my opinion

I think most of us don't want a name change. Might be a good time to drop Washington as well depending on where we are playing....

1. Braves because that is what their original nick name was and it is a general term Change logo to Spear Can keep uniform the it is now or go to Home - burgundy jersey and gold pants Away - Burgundy pants and white jerseys, or you could go with gold pants

2. Warriors - because it is a general term Change logo to Spear Can keep uniform the it is now or go to Home - burgundy jersey and gold pants Away - Burgundy pants and white jerseys, or you could go with gold pants

3. Mohawks - would have to talk to tribe chief and get their blessing. Set up a fund for them and give them royalties - Change logo logo to Spear. Can keep uniform the it is now or go to Home - burgundy jersey and gold pants Away - Burgundy pants and white jerseys, or you could go with gold pants. I don't see this happening because down the road there could be more protests.

4. Redhawks - Change logo to R. Can keep uniform the it is now or go to Home - burgundy jersey and gold pants Away - Burgundy pants and white jerseys, or you could go with gold pants

If we go in an entirely different direction then I think I like Renegades for a nick name. Uniform could change but could also keep it the way it is now.[/quote]

Hey VT, great picks and I had not thought of "Mohawks". I like it but I know the protesters won't.

If we did Mohawks, I think the 60s feather helmet would be perfect since it's positioned like a mohawk hair style. :laughing-

Just do it on a modern metallic helmet, maybe swap the red for gold, it would look great.


Chico23231 07-07-2020 10:58 AM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[quote=mooby;1254151]Anybody protesting the name.[/quote]

After the name changes, “they” can’t say shit. Fans can sing any song they want, wear redskins, say redskins, fly the redskins banners high in the air, etc.

Once the name’s over for the protesters. Not fans...Redskins will always be apart fandom for the organization. They can cry all they want

Monkeydad 07-07-2020 10:58 AM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[quote=mooby;1254115]Washington Sea-men[/quote]

Could you imagine? If you are sick of "Foreskins" jokes, get ready...

Monkeydad 07-07-2020 11:00 AM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[quote=Chico23231;1254155]After the name changes, “they” can’t say shit. Fans can sing any song they want, wear redskins, say redskins, fly the redskins banners high in the air, etc.

Once the name’s over for the protesters. Not fans...Redskins will always be apart fandom for the organization. They can cry all they want[/quote]

Personally, I'll always call them the Redskins and sing HTTR. I have a feeling you'll hear fans spontaneously singing it after TDs for years, in their own form of protest mixed with nostalgia.

My son said yesterday he'll never stop wearing his Redskins gear.

Heck, I still call the basketball team the Bullets because Wizards is such a stupid name, perhaps the worst team name in all of pro sports.

Chico23231 07-07-2020 11:11 AM

Re: Come up with a new name for the Redskins
[quote=Monkeydad;1254157]Personally, I'll always call them the Redskins and sing HTTR. I have a feeling you'll hear fans spontaneously singing it after TDs for years, in their own form of protest mixed with nostalgia.

My son said yesterday he'll never stop wearing his Redskins gear.

Heck, I still call the basketball team the Bullets because Wizards is such a stupid name, perhaps the worst team name in all of pro sports.[/quote]

As we all should. If you have a problem with it, you should have left a long time ago.

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